Wednesday, April 3, 2024

RNS Morning Report: The Episcopal Church announces four candidates for presiding bishop

RNS Morning Report

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The Episcopal Church announces four candidates for presiding bishop

(RNS) — The next presiding bishop will succeed Presiding Bishop Michael Curry, whose nine-year term concludes on Oct. 31.

Poll: Muslims most discriminated group in US, but Jews not far behind

(RNS) — The poll, taken in February, reflects changing attitudes toward U.S. Jews in the wake of the Oct. 7 attacks on Israel and the fierce, now 6-month-old war in Gaza.

Bruce Frank, former SBC abuse task force leader, joins crowded SBC presidential race

(RNS) — The new SBC president will likely play a key role in the future of abuse reforms in the nation's largest Protestant denomination.

T.D. Jakes mentioned briefly in suit against music mogul Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs

(RNS) — Jakes, a Dallas-based megachurch pastor, is not among the defendants in the suit, which include several record labels.

Pope Francis: Cardinals ‘used me’ in 2005 in scheme to block Benedict XVI’s election

(RNS) — Pope Francis said he backed Benedict XVI’s election despite efforts to rig the 2005 conclave.

RNS Opinion

Streaming the Eucharist should be banned

(RNS) — Those watching online only have an illusion of the Eucharist.

Jim Wallis: What that Bible Trump is selling says about truth

(RNS) — Take a look inside that ‘God Bless the USA’ Bible and you’ll find that in the truth lies real freedom.


Calvin University board stands by its decision that former president had to go

(RNS) — A group of Calvin alumni have reportedly asked the board of trustees for a third-party investigation into the board’s handling of the allegations against Boer.

New York’s governor is hiring her first Muslim Affairs director

NEW YORK (RNS) — Since the beginning of the Israel-Hamas war, Governor Hochul's relations with the state's Muslim community have been strained.

In Other News


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