Tuesday, April 9, 2024

RNS Morning Report: For Latino Muslims, Ramadan is a celebration of ‘Islam and Latinidad’

RNS Morning Report

Top Stories

For Latino Muslims, Ramadan is a celebration of ‘Islam and Latinidad’

(RNS) — 'The beauty is that we're not expected to commit cultural apostasy when we convert to Islam.'

Catholic bishops silent as Ascension hospital system shrinks maternity care

(RNS) — The bishops have urged more support for mothers and families, even as Ascension, one of the largest Catholic health care providers in the US, has been closing labor and delivery units at its hospitals.

New Vatican document condemns gender theory, surrogacy

(RNS) — The new document takes a step back from the opening toward LGBTQ Catholics ushered in by Pope Francis.

Avi Dabush survived Oct. 7; so did his commitment to peace

JERUSALEM (RNS) — The longtime peace activist has ramped up his activism since the terror attack that threatened his family and killed 5 in his village.

RNS Opinion

Conservative Christians just lost their scholarly trump card on same-sex relationships

(RNS) — Theologian Richard Hays' reversal comes at a bad time for those who oppose accepting LGBTQ Christians.

Shalom, Larry David!

(RNS) — 'Curb Your Enthusiasm' was perhaps the most Jewish series on television. Here is why.


The fight against Hindu nationalism in the United States is multifaith, says a newly formed coalition

(RNS) — A declaration from the newly formed coalition Savera: United Against Supremacy expressed the group's 'acute concern' of Hindu nationalism, which they say now 'finds itself in a deepening alliance with various facets of the American far-right.'

Catholic parishes disproportionately closed in poor, Black and Latino neighborhoods

(RNS) — Priest shortages have played a significant role in the decisions to close parishes.

In Other News


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