Mother’s Joy By Erskine W. Lytle, III, 13th Episcopal District  Founded in 1863 by Bishop Daniel Payne, St. John AME Church, Nashville is the Mother Church of African Methodism in Tennessee. Today, we celebrate having two General Officers serving and one retired General Officer who was elected and served while an active member of St. John. A fourth layperson, the late Eustace Alexander Selby (1887-1986), served as Secretary-Treasurer of the AME Church Sunday School Union from 1936-1964. Read More Here
The Ninth Episcopal District Provides Food to Residents of Jefferson County By E. Ann Clemons, 9th Episcopal District “Since there will never cease to be some in need on the earth, I, therefore, command you, “Open your hand to the poor and needy neighbor in your land.” Deuteronomy 15:11 (NRSV)
Bishop Harry L. Seawright, Presiding Prelate of the Ninth Episcopal District, recognized his calling to serve the people of Alabama upon his election at the 50th Quadrennial Session of the African Methodist Episcopal Church General Conference. So, Bishop Seawright hit the southern soil running! He established the Daniel Payne Legacy Village Foundation (DPLV), appointing Brandon M. Cleveland as Executive Director to conduct its mission to assist with community growth through education, technology, economics, and wellness throughout Alabama. Read More Here |
Do you have the Word of God inside you? By Dr. Michael C. Carson, Columnist
 Gatorade introduced the slogan “Win from within,” calling for one’s inner drive to be the best there is. The question asked was, “Is it in you?”Well, is the word of God in you so that you will be the very best in living a life for Christ? When something is in us, it dwells in us; it abides in us; it hangs around in us; it remains in us; it stays in us; it sticks around in us; it tarries in us; it lives in us; it resides in us. Jesus, concerning Satan’s—“the evil one’s—temptation attempts, answers, “It is written: ‘One does not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.” (Matthew 4:4 NRSV)
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That’s Love? Jarena Hooper 
Just after Jesus dismisses Judas from the table, Jesus issues the new commandment: “Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other.” (John 13:34). That is really the foundation for the behavior guide of all believers. Everything that the disciples had seen Jesus do, how he treated others and them, all hangs on this moment. Now, you do it. You love!
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AME Member Elected as President of the National Association of Parliamentarians
 In the 43rd Biennial Session of the National Association of Parliamentarians (NAP) held virtually from September 8-11, 2021, Ms. Wanda M. Sims was elected as National President to serve from 2021-2023. Ms. Sims has been a member of the First African Methodist Church of Gaithersburg, Maryland, for 36 years. She has served in various capacities, including Superintendent of Church School, Trustee Board (Pro-Tem), Stewardship and Finance Commission, Usher Ministry (President), Women’s Missionary Society, Lay Organization, and Young Women’s Mentoring Program. In addition, Wanda is the Connectional Parliamentarian for the Women’s Missionary Society and Connectional Lay Organization of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. Read More Here |
The Deep Impact of AME Roots: Dr. Sidney McPhee’s Story By Dr. Aaron Treadwell, 13th Episcopal District According to African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church scholar Sharon J. Grant, Allenite missionaries often sought avenues for inspiration and uplift in “foreign lands.” Some of these destinations in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries included “the West Indies (Haiti, St. Domingo, and St. Thomas, Danish, WI), the African missions of Liberia and Sierra Leone, and the Indian Territory in North America” (Rebaptism Calmly Considered, p. 109). For these Allenite missionaries, a legacy of social protest and social reform were tenants that were fervently incorporated into the mission field. When researching the work of AME missionaries in the West Indies, when elements of worship were syncretized, explicit components of the liturgy and faith remained universal, there was always a mandate for a social gospel. Read More Here |
The Truth is the Light By The Reverend Dr. Charles R. Watkins, Jr., Senior Columnist 
Based on Biblical Text: Matthew 10:31 (NRSV): “Fear not, therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows.”We are reminded constantly about grace—God’s unmerited favor. Grace comes from God, through Jesus Christ, and we need grace in order to inherit eternal life. However, we seldom talk about God’s careful attention to every detail of our lives through his grace. God’s grace is everywhere. It is impossible to miss, reject, or even hide from grace. As God said to Paul, “My grace is sufficient [for everything]!” (2 Corinthians 12:9 NRSV) God cares about every detail of our life and covers our lives with his grace. Read More Here |
Investiture Information for Bishop Anne Henning Byfield |
Raphael Warnock Honored with Four Freedoms Award in ‘Extra Step’ for Racial Justice By Adelle M. Banks
 Sen. Raphael Warnock, who continues to pastor his historic Atlanta church while serving as Georgia’s first Black U.S. senator, has received the Roosevelt Institute’s Freedom of Worship Award in a ceremony focused on racial justice.“I really felt that the strength of his pastoral voice was unique,” Anne Roosevelt, granddaughter of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and board chair of the institute, told Religion News Service hours before Warnock was honored in a Wednesday (Oct. 13) ceremony. Read More Here |
The 32nd Annual NGO Conference - Virtual Shawn M. Ross, WMS-AMEC NGO Commissioner and UN Representative |
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