A Worship Service of Apology and Lament for the Church’s Role in Coerced Adoptions

Join us online at 3:00 p.m. ET on Sunday, May 9, on the United Church's YouTube channel for a special worship service of apology and lament for the church’s role in coerced adoptions. During the service, the United Church will acknowledge its role in forced adoptions through maternity homes operated by the church, and the Moderator will offer a formal apology to mothers and all affected by historical adoption practices.
[Image credit: iStock]
Stop the Latest Palestinian Evictions in East Jerusalem

The Israeli government plans to evict 195 people in 15 families from their homes in East Jerusalem on May 2, 2021. Two settler organizations are behind these specific evictions, which are illegal under international law and according to Canadian policy regarding the illegal annexation of East Jerusalem. As time is of the essence, church members are asked to respond as quickly as possible by sending a letter opposing the evictions to Foreign Affairs Minister the Hon. Marc Garneau and their own Member of Parliament. Find out more about how you can take action.
[Image credit: AP Photo/Maya Alleruzzo]
Congregational Board of Trustees Handbook: New Edition

Better known as the Trustees Handbook, this resource has been completely rewritten. It summarizes and explains the role and responsibilities of trustees; the rules, policies, and procedures they must follow; and guidance on best practices to comply with United Church property rules and other legal requirements. This handbook is also for regional councils, congregations, and their governing bodies because they each have specific roles in congregational property matters. Available to download from the Handbooks and Guidelines webpage. [Photo credit: Claudia Kutchukian/The United Church of Canada]
Stories of Our Mission: Women Work for Change in Zambia

Heavy water drums. Scorching sun. Poor sanitation. Violence. Not being able to attend school. These are some of the issues faced by women and girls in charge of collecting water around the world. It’s one of many that Mission & Service partner Women for Change is addressing in Zambia. Your Mission & Service gifts help empower women and girls in rural areas across the country.[Photo credit: Women for Change, Zambia]
Asian Canadian Women: Support, Strength, and Solidarity
 If you are of Asian descent in The United Church of Canada and self-identify as woman, genderqueer, and/or nonbinary, you are invited to gather together in Asian Heritage Month this May. There will be time to get to know one another, talk about our places in the church, and explore the intersections of our racial identities and gender identities. Asian women are particularly visible and vulnerable during this pandemic time. Please be welcome to a safe meeting space to connect, lament, and honour one another. To register, please send an email to anti-racism@united-church.ca. In your email, please include your full name, email address, and Asian ancestry. A Zoom link will be sent after registration.
United Church Bookstore: Spring Sale Continues!

UCRD store continues to clear out its inventory to make room for fresh new titles! This means huge markdowns on a wide range of titles like Rooted in the Divine: Nurturing Our Faith through Small Group Ministry (now just $4.38) and Book of Fidgets: A Jot & Doodle Journal for Christian Youth (a tiny $6.20), so shop while quantities last. And some books are down to just $0.99, like Curating Church: Strategies for Innovative Worship! New titles will continue to be added over the next few weeks, so check back often for incredible deals!
Worship Resources
See our Worship Resources for upcoming Sundays and special celebrations. May 2 - Asian Heritage Month 1May 2 - Fifth Sunday of EasterMay 2 - Mental Health Sunday |