Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Uniting Church in Australia - šŸ“£Get involved in two new national Commissions, ASC meets in Canberra, šŸ™ prayer vigil tomorrow night & more in UC National News 27 Nov-3 Dec

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27 November - 3 December 2024

National Update

Your weekly snapshot of the Uniting Church in Australia 

Our Featured Story

Act2 Project

Call for Expressions of Interest: Your invitation to contribute to our theological culture and common life and wealth

The Assembly has an exciting opportunity for you to play a critical role in co-creating the future of the Uniting Church as we establish two new national Commissions in 2025.

Following the decisions of the 17th Assembly in July relating to the Act2 Project, the Assembly has moved from a time of reflecting on our life and imagining our future into a specific set of concrete steps. Two whole-of-Church Commissions are being created:

  • The Commission For Theology, Formation And Leadership.
  • The Commission For Governance, Resourcing And Administration.

There are two ways to engage with this exciting work right now:

  • Express Interest in being a member of one of the Commissions.
  • Give feedback on the draft Terms of Reference for the two Commissions.
The final deadline for both responses is 1 March 2025. 
All the information


Assembly Standing Committee meets in Canberra

The Uniting Church Assembly Standing Committee met over this past weekend in Canberra, the second gathering of the committee this triennium which included the joyful Commissioning of Andrew Johnson as Assembly General Secretary. Read our summary and see some photos from the weekend.


Our shared vision in your language

The 17th Assembly in July endorsed three clear visions for the future of the Uniting Church as part of a suite of resolutions arising from the Act2 Project report. The three visions related to local communities of faith; a National Network for Theology, Formation and Leadership; and the ordering and resourcing of the wider Church. These three visions, along with an opening statement, have now been translated into 17 languages.


Join us to mourn and pray for peace as we Expand our Hearts this Advent

For Week 2 of Assembly Advent series Expanding Advent, drawing this week on the theme of 'Expanding our Hearts', we're encouraging you to join the Prayer Vigil for Peace in the Holy Land, to be hosted online tomorrow night Thursday 28 November by the Assembly Working for Justice Circle. You can also catch up on Week 1 of the series: 'Expanding our Language'.


UCA-Lutheran Dialogue meets

The Lutheran-Uniting Church Dialogue, now in its 40th year, met in early November at the Uniting Church Centre for Theology and Ministry in Melbourne (pictured). A highlight of this meeting was a briefing on the Lutheran Church of Australia's recent decision to allow the ordination of women - a major step forward which removes a significant barrier to developing shared ministries in our two traditions.


Changing NCCA Board leadership

The Assembly congratulates Uniting Church minister Rev Dr Helen Richmond who is newly elected to the National Council of Churches in Australia Board of Directors. With the NCCA, we give thanks for the generous service of Rob Floyd who is outgoing from the Board after six years. We also congratulate the other elected members of the Board, and Rev John Gilmore who was re-elected NCCA President.


Sign up for the 2025 Day of Mourning resource

In the spirit of truth-telling, covenant and walking together as First and Second Peoples, your community is invited to mark the Uniting Church Day of Mourning on Sunday 19 January 2025. The new resource will be available to download in mid-December and you can sign up now to receive it to your inbox.

We are excited to announce that a national public event will take place to mark the Day of Mourning, hosted by the Synod of Queensland in partnership with the Assembly. Save the Date: 5:30pm on Friday 24 January, beginning in King George Square and moving into Albert Street Uniting Church in Brisbane. The event will also be live-streamed.


Intergen December update

The December Update is here from Intergen, packed with gold to resource your intergenerational ministry. The Update includes plenty of resources and ideas for Advent and Christmas. Also find our wider Advent resource collection here.


Dramatising Luke's Gospel

The Centre for Music, Liturgy and the Arts is pleased to announce the publication of 'From Advent to Emmaus' - a book of 54 dramas for worship based on Luke's Gospel. Available in print and digital versions and ideal for Lectionary Year C.

In case you missed it...
News and story highlights from the last couple of weeks


Disability Inclusion Advocate - UC Synod of Vic/Tas

Champion the full inclusion of people with disabilities in the mission and ministry of the Synod of Victoria and Tasmania.

Administrative Assistant - Victorian Council of Churches

This role with Victoria's ecumenical council is for 10 hours a week for 12 months. More information:

Upcoming Dates

25 November: 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence
28 November: Assembly Prayer Vigil for Peace
1 December: beginning of Advent

Check out the 2024 Assembly Calendar more dates across the year

Join us in prayer for

  • Christian communities as we mark the start of Advent this Sunday and begin a new Christian year. May the hope, joy, peace and love of the coming Christ child accompany us and our broken world in this season.
  • Palestinians as we mark the UN International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People on Friday. As Palestinians endure inhumane and unbearable violence and live daily under the shadow of death, we cry for peace and liberation to descend on an oppressed and occupied people.
  • Those marking the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence, as we name a national crisis, mourn those lost to violence and call for a safer and more just world.
  • Brunei, Malaysia, Singapore as part of the WCC Ecumenical Prayer Cycle.

Do you or your community have a great story to share as you live out God's mission where you are? Let us know!


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