Wednesday, November 20, 2024

RNS Morning Report: Q&A: 'Wicked' author Gregory Maguire on souls, saints and religion in Oz

RNS Morning Report

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Q&A: ‘Wicked’ author Gregory Maguire on souls, saints and religion in Oz

(RNS) — In the 1995 novel that inspired the musical and film, the Wicked Witch of the West is a green-skinned child of a minister exploited for his missionary endeavors.

Tony Campolo, sociologist and famed Red Letter Christian, has died

(RNS) — Known as a powerful evangelist and social justice preacher, Campolo had long advocated that Christian faith can transform the world — and people’s everyday lives.

Chair of US bishops’ ‘pro-life’ commitee wants Catholics to see abortion’s impact on families

BALTIMORE (RNS) — Toledo, Ohio, Bishop Daniel Thomas took the reins from Arlington, Virginia, Bishop Michael Burbidge on Wednesday (Nov. 13).

Africa’s Anglican prelates say Archbishop Welby’s resignation is warning on abuse

NAIROBI, Kenya (RNS) — African Anglican leaders' response to Welby's resignation has been complicated by conflicts with the archbishop over LGBTQ inclusion.

RNS Opinion

The laity should have a greater voice in choosing bishops

(RNS) — There is no perfect way of selecting bishops. Even Jesus got it wrong one out of 12 times.

7 ways Americans who leave religion are basically pretty boring

(RNS) — Here are some facts you may not know about the nonreligious.



Rabbinical group calls for stopping offensive military aid to Israel

(RNS) — Israel continues to block the flow of humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip. A group of American rabbis says the U.S. should refuse sending Israel more offensive munitions.

With sudden death of Sharath Jois, practitioners of Ashtanga yoga look to his legacy

(RNS) — Sharath Jois, heir to the Ashtanga yoga practice, passed away at age 53 last Monday (Nov. 11).

In Other News


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