Thursday, February 22, 2024

E-ssentials: Stand with Ukraine, Vote on Remit 1, and more!

Peace in and for Ukraine: An Ecumenical Letter

Map of Ukraine
February 24th marks two years since Russia's invasion of Ukraine. Nearly 30,000 lives have been lost and millions displaced. As this sombre anniversary approaches, Canadian Christian leaders have joined voices, urging support for refugees and for peace. Their message? Pray, advocate for diplomacy, aid refugees, remember the invasion's impact, and hope for reconciliation. 

Donate to Mission and Service and stand with Ukraine and those suffering through this ongoing crisis. Read the full news story and ecumenical letter.
[Image credit: omersukrugoksu/]

Remit Vote to Create an Autonomous National Indigenous Organization

Moderator Carmen Lansdowne,Leanne, and Michael Blair
People across the church have been asking what the new structure will be for the Autonomous National Indigenous Organization. If this remit passes, the Indigenous Church will remain part of The United Church of Canada. It also means that the Indigenous Church would determine their own structure without the need to come back to the non-Indigenous church for approval. The Indigenous Church has put forward a vision of autonomy within the United Church, not a vision of a separate, independent church. Find answers to questions such as this one, as well as additional background information on the website for General Council 44. If you have additional questions, please be in touch with your regional council.

[Image credit:The United Church of Canada]

Your Mission and Service Stories: Taking Kids to School

Patti Tabot, Team lead, Global Partnerships

When children can’t go to school, society suffers. And that is why Mission and Service is in partnership with 74 organizations that work to increase access to education across the globe.

Each partner has their own approach to education and skills training, each supported by your gifts to Mission and Service.

[Photo credit: The United Church of Canada]

Last Call for Nominations!

Last call for Nominations

Last call for nominations! The call for nominations is closing soon for various General Council and Office of Vocation roles. Check if the leaders you believe are called need any assistance to submit their interest, and don’t forget to submit your own

[Image credit: The United Church of Canada]

The United Church Bookstore: Dive into Climate Action with The Mod's Book Squad


The Mod's Book Squad: Act Fast

On March 5, join Moderator Carmen Lansdown and the Rev. Christine Boyle, climate justice activist and city councillor, for a deep dive into Act/Fast: Spiritual Practices for a Climate in Crisis. Explore our connection to Creation, deepen your faith, and discover actionable steps to fight climate change.

Register for this FREE webinar and join The Mod's Book Squad! Be a superhero for our planet—learn, discuss, and take action. Register today on CHURCHx.

[Image credit: The United Church of Canada]

Music United Invites You to Music Matters


Music United invites you to Music Matters 2024

Music United is excited to invite you to Music Matters, their annual educational event and AGM, May 2-5, 2024, at St. Paul’s United Church in Thunder Bay, ON, or online. Music Matters and its AGM are open to everyone who is interested in music in The United Church of Canada—music leaders, singers, instrumentalists, lay volunteers, clergy—all are welcome!

There are a variety of payment options to suit your needs; the suggested fee is $200 per person, with a sliding scaling down to $150, depending on circumstance. Registration to participate online is $75.

Register, and for more information and the schedule, email, or visit Music United.

[Image credit: Music United/Dr. Andree Dagenais]

Worship Resources 

See our Worship Resources for upcoming Sundays and special celebrations.

Black History Month 4 - February 25, 2024
Second Sunday in Lent - February 25, 2024
World Day of Prayer  - March 1, 2024
Third Sunday in Lent - March 3, 2024
International Women's Day - March 8, 2024
Fourth Sunday in Lent - March 10, 2024
National Affirming Pie Day - March 14, 2024
Fifth Sunday in Lent - March 17, 2024

For more inspiring worship ideas and resources subscribe to
Our gifts for Mission & Service bring healing, justice, and hope to life. 
Donate today.

Copyright © 2024 The United Church of Canada, All rights reserved.

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