Tuesday, December 6, 2022

RNS Morning Report: Amy Grant, ‘queen of Christian pop,’ feted at Kennedy Center Honors

RNS Morning Report

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Top Stories

Amy Grant, ‘queen of Christian pop,’ feted at Kennedy Center Honors

(RNS) — ‘There was only one person who could really fulfill that requirement, and that was Amy,’ Kennedy Center's board chair, in an interview, said of ‘long overdue’ recognition.

Faith in the spotlight on Kennedy Center red carpet and stage at annual Honors gala

(RNS) — Singer Ellie Holcomb said Amy Grant taught her to be a ‘there you are person’ rather than a ‘here I am person.’

LGBTQ students wrestle with tensions at Christian colleges

COLLEGEVILLE, Minn. (AP/RNS) — Tensions endure at many of the hundreds of US Catholic and Protestant universities.

Pope unveils Vatican Christmas tree, urging Christians to ‘stay rooted’ in Jesus

(RNS) — With its humility, the nativity scene is a reminder to step away from a 'consumeristic and commercial' Christmas, the pope said.

Emhoff to host Jewish leaders for discussion of antisemitism

WASHINGTON (AP) — The White House roundtable follows a surge in anti-Jewish vitriol spread by a famous rapper, an NBA star and other prominent people.

Ukraine bans religious organizations with links to Russia

KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — Ukraine on Friday banned the activities of religious organizations “affiliated with centers of influence” in Russia and said it would examine the links between the Ukrainian and Russian Orthodox churches.

An ‘old-school Hindu’ takes on the future of climate

(RNS) — 'He’s very good at understanding how the UN works, how the NGO ecosystem works and where the opportunity is for change.'

RNS Opinion

Remembering E.P. Sanders, a New Testament scholar who offered a new look at Judaism

(RNS) — Sanders forcefully called on fellow New Testament scholars to reject caricatures of Judaism.

When cancel culture invades a family

(RNS) — A heartbreaking story about a family. A new book traces the trend and is equally troublesome.


Starz’s hit series ‘P-Valley’ finds sacred community in a strip club

(RNS) — The drama series by Pulitzer Prize-winning playwright Katori Hall shows how profane places can be sacred — and how formal sacred places can be made profane.

Theological schools report continued drop in master of divinity degrees

(RNS) — Enrollment at theological schools has remained stable, but the two-year M.A. degree is appealing to more students.

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