Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Church Online - May 6

What's going on this week?

Over the weekend I started hearing from churches that I helped with the PPP application process. They have been approved and either they had more paper work or they will be receiving money. It's still not clear what the forgiveness process will look like.

You have eight weeks from the time the money arrives in your bank account then you should apply for forgiveness. So reach out to your bank and start asking what their process will be and if they have forms.

Here are some articles from Horizons Stewardship
WEBINAR: Best Practices for Accountability and Maximizing Your PPP Loan Forgiveness – (Horizons with Accounting Firm Partner from CapinCrouse, Stan Reiff)

One question after the last email was about including song lyrics in your live stream. We were sure that One License allowed this, but CCLI was more difficult to figure out. Thank you Bob Johnson for following up with CCLI.

Here is CCLI’s answer:
The Stream License by CCLI allows the church to stream their live worship service over the internet provided the following applies:
o  The church has an active Church Copyright License.
o  The stream or podcast is a recording of the actual live church service.
o  The songs are all covered under the Church Copyright License
o  No pre-recorded music may be included without the direct permission of the label owner and the song owner. This includes any background tracks, anything downloaded, video and audio from YouTube, Spotify, iTunes.
o  The website or streaming service that is being used to stream or podcast the service must be in the name of the church/organization. You cannot broadcast the service on a personal device or on a personal account or a website not belonging to the church.
o  The intent of the license is to allow those not in attendance to watch your church’s service. It is not to be used to post individual song recordings via your church’s website or streaming service.
o  Please be aware that songs under copyright may be blocked and monetized when using social media sites to stream your church services. This is the right of the song's copyright owner.
o  There is no legal requirement to posting your Stream license number. However, many churches do and if yo
o  u want to do that and have found it helpful to those who monitor the platform they are using.
o  You can archive your recordings
o  Zoom: It is permissible to use the Chat section of the application for lyrics
o  TEMPORARY: Due to the COVID19 outbreak and the banning of large group gatherings, CCLI will allow the churches to record their worship services at a different location and time if needed and stream that recording at the regular church services.
o  You can find out other information on our website: https://us.ccli.com/streaming-license-terms-of-agreement/

We are still receiving questions about copyright problems, this last weekend FaceBook seems to be getting very tough on copyright issues. Particularly on prelude music!

For churches that do not have steaming a license I have recommended they check out the Convergence Music Project

Churches and Denominations are beginning to talk about reopening churches. We are adding a webinar on May 15 with the Wisconsin Council of Churches about reopening plans.

We are still looking for presenters to cover copyright problems and someone to cover understanding FaceBook and YouTube metrics.

We also came to an agreement with the Presbyterian Association for Musicians, some of you might know their annual Worship and Music event at Montreat. This year it will be a week-long online event. Churches and Judicatories that are PRC subscribers will receive the PAM member price. So I have also included information about the event below. People will need to email the PRC to get the discount code.

Stay Safe and Healthy.

Charlaine Apsel
Resource Center

Up Coming Webinars
click the title to register
We only have room for 500 attendees for the live webinar,if you are #501 you will get a message the meeting is full. If you are registered you will receive a link to the recording the next day. You can find links to all the recorded webinars on our website.

Thursday, May 7, 2020
7:00 – 8:00 PM Eastern
Leader: TJ Mills
Immigration is top news today. Do you find yourself wondering why they (immigrants) don't just become legal? This webinar describes the incredible complexities of our current immigration system, as explained by TJ Mills of New York Justice for Our Neighbors, an immigration legal ministry of the United Methodist Church. 
TJ Mills, New York Justice for Our Neighbors Managing Attorney, consults nationally with JFON sites and has practiced immigration law with NY JFON for 20 years. When on sabbatical, he has worked with the UN High Commissioner for Refugees on numerous occasions.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020
7:00 – 7:30 PM Eastern
Leader: Katie Snyder
Learn about the upcoming ecumenical curriculum, Growing in God’s Love: A Story Bible Curriculum! The curriculum is inspired by Growing in God’s Love: A Story Bible and will be available Summer 2020. The curriculum focuses on one of the first ways we begin to understand God’s self-revelation -- hearing, engaging, and wrestling with the written Word. In other words, it is through the stories of the Bible that we get to know God. Growing in God’s Love: A Story Bible Curriculum features 35 units, which allows you to build a library of stories. It’s ideal for small churches and big churches alike. While this curriculum is meant to be a multiage curriculum for K-5, each unit includes suggestions on how the curriculum can be used in intergenerational settings. Sign up for this webinar today to learn more about this exciting curriculum and how easy it is to use in your church setting.
Katie Snyder, raised in Winchester, VA, graduated with a dual degree in Christian Education and Elementary Education in 2010 from Westminster College in New Wilmington, PA. A Certified Christian Educator in the PC USA, she previously served as the Director of Christian Education for over 8 years at churches in and around northern Virginia. In 2019 she moved to Louisville to be the Curriculum Specialist and POINT Coordinator for the Presbyterian Publishing Corporation. Katie aspires to faithfully seek God while encouraging and empowering others to do the same. She enjoys spending time with her family including her husband, their cat, and their dog. She loves learning, knitting, singing, and reading mystery novels.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020
1:00 PM – 2:00 PM Eastern
Leader: Kerri Parker, Breanna Illéné - Wisconsin Council of Churches
Though in the beginning of the COVID-19 crisis many of us had mental images of returning to our churches relatively soon, in one large celebration, we are now recognizing that returning to church will have to happen in stages. We'll look at what types of in-person or on-site activities may be appropriate in different phases - including worship, faith formation, support groups, outside groups, and recreation. We'll also consider pastoral care and how church staff might be faithful in their engagement with the congregation and the church building. The way forward will not be a matter of following a known timetable, but of faithfully discerning the signs of the times, and responding accordingly.
Rev. Kerri Parker has been Executive Director of the Wisconsin Council of Churches since 2017. She previously served as pastor of McFarland United Church of Christ in McFarland, WI, and as Executive Director of YWCA Rock County, in Janesville, WI. She has a passion for congregational vitality and contextual ministry. She has been published in There’s a Woman in the Pulpit, an anthology of essays gathered by the RevGalBlogPals community of support for clergywomen.
Rev. Breanna Illéné is the Content Curation and Ecumenical Innovation Coordinator at the Wisconsin Council of Churches and the pastor at Trinity UMC in Madison, WI and has passions for social media, justice work, and community engagement.

Choir directors, worship musicians, organists, Christian educators, artists, clergy, and lay people

For our first 50 years, the Presbyterian Association of Musicians has been your community of worship, music, colleagues, and resources – and we’re not about to stop now! It’s a different summer, but PAM will be right there. As we stand at the threshold of the next 50 years, and with trust in God “whom alone we worship and serve,” we are joyfully able to announce to you that we are adapting the 2020 Worship and Music Conference from an in-person event at Montreat Conference Center into a one-week, online conference, June 21 – 26.

PAM is not just for Presbyterians. Other denominations find our resources, conferences, and publications helpful in their service to God. Our members represent multiple denominations including Methodist, Baptist, Episcopalian, Lutheran, United Church of Christ, Unitarian, and Mennonite! 

We know that everyone wants to be Montreat. We all do. Our prayer is live streaming from Montreat will allow for all of us to be virtually together at Montreat – for Morning Yoga at the lake, conversations at the Huck, Montreat Moments and Morning Prayer around the campus and Worship.

This is an opportunity for those who have not been able to attend in the past, and those of you who don't know about PAM, or about this annual event, to share in a week of Worship and Music.

We are grateful for you, and we are excited to bring you the best lemonade you’ve ever tasted out of all these lemons we’ve all been handed!

In the peace of God, Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer,
The Presbyterian Association of Musicians

Here's How The Conference Will Work:

The conference website will take you to the conference’s daily streaming. Lots of offerings are live; all are recorded and available throughout the week and the next week. You won’t have to miss a thing!

This will be an interactive conference: you’ll be connected and participating.

Worship, Routley lectures, Bible classes, Art classes, Hymn Festival, Organ Recital – these familiar things and more are part of this online conference.

We have partnered with GNTV to produce the conference and to provide the best quality experience possible.

As many sessions as possible will be streamed live and recorded at Montreat Conference Center. We’ll do this if it is safe and within guidelines. 50 years of PAM has also been 50+ years at Montreat, and we’re still honoring our historical and financial partnership with them.

Schedule: Online, we want the conference to feel organic, energetic, and nourishing. Now that we are moving to an online format, our schedule looks a bit more like an issue of TV Guide – we will stream events live at scheduled times, but each day’s offerings will be available to viewing at any time you choose the very next day! You can check out our new, modified schedule at www.presbymusic.org/2020conference-schedule.

Pre-Conference Training: We know that this online conference format might seem unfamiliar to some. We can help! PAM will provide pre-conference training before the conference. We’ll send an email in a few weeks allowing you to sign up if you would like.

In exchange for the PRC promoting PAM’s 2020 Virtual Worship & Music Conference, PAM will offer PRC subscribers/members the opportunity to register at the PAM member rate of $175.

When you register you need to select PAM Member at Registration Category on the first screen, then type in the code at the payment screen

To receive the discount code please email PRC.

Not sure if our church is a member, email to ask.

Also churches in the following judicatories are considered to be members
Central Atlantic UCC Conference
Metropolitan New York Synod ELCA
New York UCC Conference
North Carolina Synod, ELCA
Northeastern Christian Church
Presbytery of Long Island
Presbytery of Susquehanna Valley
Southern New England Conference UCC

Registration Fees: Conference registration rates have been lowered significantly. The new rates are $175 for adults who are PAM members, $250 for non-members,

Registration is open through the start of the conference (June 21st).

It’s a digital conference, but we’ll have hard copies of the conference book, choral packets and hymns! Register by May 15th to guarantee receiving our mailing of hard copies of the conference book, choral packet, and hymn booklet, as well as a t-shirt if you ordered one.

Everyone Has a Calling - Ours Is Helping You!

Do You Need Help?

We realize moving to a virtual church is a cultural shift for many churches, and we are here to help. The staff here at PRC has been working diligently to answer all the email questions we have gotten and to monitor the FB page to make sure questions are getting answered. We are doing this work for all churches; members and non-members.

Join the  Face Book page for Church Online people are asking all kinds of questions and resourcing each other.

Visit the Online Church page of PRC’s Online Resource Center
You can find all recorded webinars we have that pertain to online church.

Charlaine Apsel
PRC - Executive Director

Recorded Webinars Click the title to register

Leader: Renee Roederer

Leaders: Heidi Unruh and Joy Skjegstad

Leader: Debbie Kolacki, Elizabeth Christie and Karen Ware Jackson

Leader: Harriet Wilkin

Leader: Eric Seiberling

Leader: Marcia McFee

PRC Staff

Leader: Christopher Harris

Leader: Debbie Kolacki

Leader: Richard Rogers  

Our locations are closed
If you need help call
631 921 0473
631 821 2255
or email info@prcli.org

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