Tuesday, February 4, 2025

RNS Morning Report - Rejected elsewhere, these LGBTQ+ Jews find love and acceptance in the Connecticut woods

RNS Morning Report

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Rejected elsewhere, these LGBTQ+ Jews find love and acceptance in the Connecticut woods

FALLS VILLAGE, Conn. (RNS) — In many Orthodox Jewish settings, including the vast Haredi world, strict adherence to Torah and Jewish law has kept many closeted or unable to live openly in synagogue settings. At Eshel retreats they are embraced.

In new book ‘Believe,’ Ross Douthat makes a case for old-time religion

(RNS) — The New York Times columnist and best-selling author hopes to convince spiritual seekers that faith in God might actually be true.

Musk spotlights federal funds for Lutheran aid groups, calls them ‘illegal payments’

WASHINGTON (RNS) — Bishop Elizabeth Eaton, presiding bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, accused Musk and others of spreading 'misinformation' and casting baseless doubt on longstanding federal funding agreements, including to resettle refugees.

A fashion designer, Italian singer and Icelandic illustrator team up on Vatican exhibition

VATICAN CITY (AP) — The exhibition, titled "En Route,” is the sixth in a series of events intended as a dialogue between the Vatican library’s heritage, dating to the 4th century, and contemporary art.


RNS Opinion

What could be worse than the Muslim ban? Plenty.

(RNS) — Trump's executive orders are open to interpretation, making it difficult for Muslim communities to discern what is smoke and mirrors and what is meant to deflect from something else.

Trump, the destroyer of worlds

(RNS) — The truly powerful are creators not destroyers, builders not demolishers, life-givers not killers, fixers not complainers, nurturers not bullies.



For DC airport chaplain, disaster training becomes reality

(RNS) — Airport chaplain Nace Lanier, among the first to respond to the midair collision near Washington's airport, joined a team 'to holistically care for the hurting and confused.'

In ‘Aflame,’ Pico Iyer finds a new language in silence

(RNS) — Recalling the trauma of losing his worldly goods, the novelist and travel writer uses silence as a path to peace amid constant turmoil.

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