Monday, February 3, 2025

RNS Morning Report - For DC airport chaplain, disaster training becomes reality

RNS Morning Report

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For DC airport chaplain, disaster training becomes reality

(RNS) — Airport chaplain Nace Lanier, among the first to respond to the midair collision near Washington's airport, joined a team 'to holistically care for the hurting and confused.'

Jewish voter network launches campaign to boost turnout in New York

(RNS) — The network's organizers say they are responding to the rise of antisemitism, Jewish voters' top concern in upcoming elections.

Jewish Reform seminary sells New York City building as contraction accelerates

(RNS) — Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion announced the sale of the Greenwich Village building at West 4th Street to New York University. It will move to another building also in Manhattan.

In ‘Aflame,’ Pico Iyer finds a new language in silence

(RNS) — Recalling the trauma of losing his worldly goods, the novelist and travel writer uses silence as a path to peace amid constant turmoil.

LDS Church: Members should care for the needy ‘regardless of immigration status’

(RNS) — 'We seek to provide basic food and clothing, as our capacity allows, to those in need, regardless of their immigration status,' the LDS statement read.


RNS Opinion

Idaho goes after same-sex marriage

(RNS) — But its challenge is mostly rhetorical.

Bishop Budde went viral because she showed us what’s wrong with American religion

(RNS) — The sermon reminded many Americans what public religious faith looked like in the not-so-distant past, when the Episcopal Church was the de facto faith of the American ruling class.



Despite Vance attack, Catholic bishops press ahead on defending migrants

Just a week into the Trump presidency, the U.S. bishops find themselves in an unaccustomed position: For the first time in history, their character has been called into question by a Catholic standing at the helm of the U.S. government.

New biography of late Cardinal Pell underscores leadership vacuum on Catholic right

(RNS) — The legacy of the church reformer and critic of Pope Francis still looms large in the Catholic Church.

In Other News


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