Wednesday, February 5, 2025

RNS Morning Report - Refugee aid groups face furloughs after Trump halts program, refuses to reimburse work

RNS Morning Report

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Refugee advocates rally outside White House amid furloughs, frozen funds

WASHINGTON (RNS) — The crowd of about 100 was protesting Trump's suspension of the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program, which vets refugees for entry into the United States and works with refugee resettlement agencies.

A dispute between New Orleans archbishop and Second Harvest board goes nuclear

(RNS) — For more than four decades, leaders of Second Harvest and the Catholic Church in New Orleans had been partners in fighting hunger. Then a dispute over money and control forced a standoff.

NFL emails reveal extent of Saints’ damage control for clergy sex abuse crisis

NEW ORLEANS (AP) — The emails shed new light on the Saints' foray into a fraught topic far from the gridiron, a behind-the-scenes effort driven by the team's devoutly Catholic owner who has long enjoyed a close relationship with the city's embattled archbishop.

Anglican denominations’ record on abuse prompts calls for victim-focused reform

(RNS) — In the U.S. and Canada, survivors and advocates have been advocating for change in Anglican denominations amid a groundswell of abuse and misconduct cases.


RNS Opinion

Gen Z’s nones have their own beliefs. Try working with them, not converting them.

(RNS) — A good model is the Nuns & Nones, a movement that invites religiously disaffiliated young people to deepen their spirituality by discussing the moral values that motivate them.

Pope Francis’ autobiography: A sustained, loving look at the real

(RNS) — With the publication of this autobiography, Pope Francis cements his monumental project of demystifying the papacy.



Rejected elsewhere, these LGBTQ+ Jews find love and acceptance in the Connecticut woods

FALLS VILLAGE, Conn. (RNS) — In many Orthodox Jewish settings, including the vast Haredi world, strict adherence to Torah and Jewish law has kept many closeted or unable to live openly in synagogue settings. At Eshel retreats they are embraced.

In new book ‘Believe,’ Ross Douthat makes a case for old-time religion

(RNS) — The New York Times columnist and best-selling author hopes to convince spiritual seekers that faith in God might actually be true.

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