Thursday, January 16, 2025

Upcoming Events at Stony Point Center

Coming Soon:

1/15: Local NonProfit Gathering/Open House 1/23: All Faiths Immigration Gathering 4/4-4/6: SPC 75th Anniversary Celebration Weekend

This Wednesday, January 15th:

MLK Rockland Non-Profits Info Fair at Stony Point Center

NoteIf you are represent a nonprofit, please get in touch as we'd love to meet with you to network before the open house. Just get in touch to let us know you're coming so we can set up a table for you.

Thursday, January 23rd: All Faiths Immigration Gathering

Proyecto Faro and the Stony Point Center invite you to join us for a meeting across faiths and denominations in support of Rockland's immigrant communities.

Now more than ever, Rockland’s immigrants need us and we need each other. Let's unite and lift up our common beliefs and values to protect our vulnerable community members.

Thursday, January 23, 6 to 8 pm

Stony Point Center

17 Cricketown Rd

Stony Point, NY 10980

As we enter what promises to be a challenging few years, unity among and alliances between groups who center human rights is going to become more and more essential. Proyecto Faro and the Stony Point Center are co-hosting a meeting for clergy and congregation representatives of different faiths and denominations to brainstorm how we can work together in the coming year to shine the beacon brighter for the vulnerable immigrants in our communities. We invite clergy, leaders, representatives, and active members from your congregations and faith communities to join us for this important dialogue.

To RSVP, please click here. Please respond by January 16. 

If you have any questions or cannot make the meeting but are interested in getting involved, please contact Dilcia Suazo at

Proyecto Faro y Stony Point Center lo invitan a unirse a nosotros en una reunión entre religiones y denominaciones en apoyo a las comunidades de inmigrantes de Rockland. 

Ahora más que nunca, los inmigrantes de Rockland nos necesitan y nos necesitamos unos a otros. Unámonos y elevemos nuestras creencias y valores comunes para proteger a los miembros vulnerables de nuestra comunidad.

Jueves 23 de enero de 18 a 20 h.

Stony Point Center

17 Cricketown Rd

Stony Point, Nueva York 10980

A medida que entramos en lo que prometen ser unos años desafiantes, la unidad y las alianzas entre los grupos que centran los derechos humanos serán cada vez más esenciales. Proyecto Faro y el Centro Stony Point están organizando conjuntamente una reunión para representantes del clero y congregaciones de diferentes religiones y denominaciones para intercambiar ideas sobre cómo podemos trabajar juntos el próximo año para hacer brillar más el faro para los inmigrantes vulnerables en nuestras comunidades. Invitamos al clero, líderes, representantes y miembros activos de sus congregaciones y comunidades religiosas a unirse a nosotros en este importante diálogo. 

Para confirmar su asistencia, haga clic aqui. Por favor responda antes del 16 de enero. 

Si tiene alguna pregunta o no puede asistir a la reunión pero está interesado en participar, comuníquese con Dilcia Suazo

April 4th-6th: Stony Point Center's 75th Anniversary Celebration

Stony Point Center's Celebration of 75 Years coming in April 2025

Join us as we mark the many seasons of ministry at Stony Point Center!

Seventy-five years ago, the Gilmor Sloane sisters, faithful Presbyterian pastor’s kids and social justice supporters, gifted their grounds to the Presbyterian Church. The sisters had used their home to host global mission co-workers for gatherings of renewal, sharing and learning and passed their property on so the work could continue. Let’s celebrate!

You’ll hear from those who led and were impacted by the innovative ministry at Stony Point Center. We’ll explore the grounds, honor our ministry legends, learn what the future holds, and dedicate a new Memorial Grove. Lots of time to connect with old friends, lots of inspiring conversations, and great entertainment.

Be sure to share this invite with everyone you know who was enriched by Stony Point Center and please share your stories, memories and memorabilia so we can share that with other guest! This event won’t be complete without you.

More information coming soon. Stay tuned!

Want to book a retreat yourself? Just give us a call (845-786-5674), fill out a form online ( or send us an email: We’d love to hear from you!

Contact Us
Facebook  Instagram

Donations can also be made by credit card via phone 845-786-5674

or via mailed check to 17 Cricketown Rd, Stony Point, NY 10980.

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