Friday, January 31, 2025

RNS Morning Report - Despite Vance attack, Catholic bishops press ahead on defending migrants

RNS Morning Report

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Despite Vance attack, Catholic bishops press ahead on defending migrants

Just a week into the Trump presidency, the U.S. bishops find themselves in an unaccustomed position: For the first time in history, their character has been called into question by a Catholic standing at the helm of the U.S. government.

New biography of late Cardinal Pell underscores leadership vacuum on Catholic right

(RNS) — The legacy of the church reformer and critic of Pope Francis still looms large in the Catholic Church.

Empathy for immigrants sounds like Christianity 101. Here’s why some say it’s a sin.

(RNS) — A small but influential group of evangelicals argues that enforcing the law is as important as mercy, and has come to see Christian charities as the enemy.

Anglican priest Calvin Robinson defrocked over Nazi-like salute

(RNS) — Robinson has defended the gesture, with which he concluded his speech at the National Pro-Life Summit last week, as an ‘attempt at dry wit.’


RNS Opinion

Paul Rader, who led Salvation Army and Asbury University, was humble, effective and kind

(RNS) — Rader spent five years as the international leader of the Salvation Army before becoming president of Asbury University.

Rest, reorientation and hope – the pillars of 2025’s Catholic Jubilee year

(The Conversation) — The Catholic Church’s Holy Years have biblical roots, but have been evolving for nearly 1,000 years.



Tulsi Gabbard’s religious background is not complicated, say American Hindus

(RNS) — Alongside criticisms of her political history, Gabbard has long fielded questions about her particular branch of Hindu faith, which many have referred to as a ‘cult.’

‘A test of faith’: In Altadena congregations, no family untouched by fire

(RNS) — In historically diverse Altadena, where more than 9,000 structures were destroyed in the fire, some congregations have dozens of families who lost homes.

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