907 National Road
Wheeling, WV 26003
Office Hours: Mon–Fri, 9:00 am–3:00 pm.
The office will be closed Friday, July 3 for the Holiday.
In an emergency after office hours, call 304-266-8154.
“The Lord richly blesses all who call on him” Romans 10:12
Mike Lenno
Gene Toot Susan McMannis Linda Turner Vickie Whinnery Homer Harden Donna Todd |
Karen Edwards
Susan Lehosky Philip Keevil Gary Nylund Debbie Hale Dave Roberts
Judy Walton
Matt Camlin
R. H. “Mac” McCuen Cherilyn Bown Joe Hendricks David Brocklehurst Dr. Lew & Ruth Stevens
Sue Roberts
Laughlin Memorial Chapel Ministry Dakota Partnership
Melanie Blount Domasi Partnership
All Service men & women
Pray for those sick with the corona virus, first responders, nurses, doctors, and the families who lost loved ones.
Pray for our presbyters, family members, and friends who are ill, hospitalized or living in nursing homes .
Please pray for our Churches and those who minister and serve.
Pray for our presbyters, family members, and friends who are ill, hospitalized or living in nursing homes .
Please pray for our Churches and those who minister and serve.
Please pray for our school administrators, parents/guardians, teachers and students as they navigate new realities of school during the pandemic.
Please pray for those who are facing financial hardships during these times
Pray for college students and their families during these pandemic times.
Please keep us updated of any prayer concerns you may have
STAY AT HOME AND ATTEND A CONFERENCE STAY AT HOME AND ATTEND A CONFERENCE – Noted authors and educators Brenda Salter McNeil and Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove will headline this fall’s World Mission Initiative Conference, an online series October 7,14, 21, and 28. Lectures, Q & A, and facilitated discussions for your small group FREE! https://www.pts.edu/wmi-conference
52 Liberty St.
A CHICKEN DINNER is being planned for September 19 with takeout orders only.
Dinners are $10.00 and include ½ chicken, baked beans, pasta salad, and a roll. Pre-orders are being accepted.
HOW TO ORDER: Call Nancy at 740 769 2808 or 740 317 6826 (text available at this number.)Call Lynette at 740 827 6412 (text available). Orders must be placed no later than September 11, 2020.
Payment can be made the day of pickup.
Drive thru pickup will be in the rear of the church from 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
All volunteers will be wearing masks and gloves for your protection and theirs!
This year, we are requesting school supplies that will be kept at the Chapel. We need individual boxes of supplies, so that children are not sharing supplies...and germs! With that in mind we are looking for around 72 each of;
Pencil boxes, Boxes of 24 Crayola Classic Crayons, Backpacks with adjustable padded shoulder straps, Multicolored Construction paper, Elmer's washable school glue, #2 pencils, Washable markers 10 count, Blunt-tip kids scissors with sheath, Elmer's Disappearing Washable glue sticks, Five Star 2 pocket stay-put plastic folders, Expo Low order Dry Erase markers (black), Kleenex tissues 4 pack box.
Please deliver to Laughlin Chapel 129 1/2 18th St, Wheeling, WV 26003 any day, beginning August 24th, questions please call 304-232-2630. Ellen, Administrative Assistant Thank you, for all the support given to our children, here at Chapel. You may also bring supplies to UOVP Presbytery Office.
Pencil boxes, Boxes of 24 Crayola Classic Crayons, Backpacks with adjustable padded shoulder straps, Multicolored Construction paper, Elmer's washable school glue, #2 pencils, Washable markers 10 count, Blunt-tip kids scissors with sheath, Elmer's Disappearing Washable glue sticks, Five Star 2 pocket stay-put plastic folders, Expo Low order Dry Erase markers (black), Kleenex tissues 4 pack box.
Please deliver to Laughlin Chapel 129 1/2 18th St, Wheeling, WV 26003 any day, beginning August 24th, questions please call 304-232-2630. Ellen, Administrative Assistant Thank you, for all the support given to our children, here at Chapel. You may also bring supplies to UOVP Presbytery Office.
INTER-PRESBYTERY LEADERSHIP FORMATION (IPLF) is offering a series of continuing education workshops. All will be in-person with masks and proper distancing. Please check it out.
If you are a Ruling Elder, God might be calling you to preach or become more involved in pastoral service. Upper Ohio Valley Presbytery, with four neighboring presbyteries, will be continuing the Inter-Presbytery Leadership Formation (IPLF) training program for the preparation of possible "Commissioned Pastors" for the future. New students may begin in the fall of 2020. The program includes both classroom and hands-on experiences, and you will receive training and mentorship that will help you grow as a leader in Christ's Church. If interested, please contact Dee Kovach deekovach@att.net.
Churches that ordered calendars, please come pick up your calendars in the Presbytery office, 9-3 Monday-Friday. We have a few extras for sale at $10.50 apiece. Please let me know when you are coming by! We are unable to mail these out.
SEPTEMBER 8 PRESBYTERY MEETING WILL BE ON ZOOM @6 P.M. The Docket and Reports with zoom link have been mailed out. Zoom will open up at 5:30 for chatting and going over procedures before the meeting. The Docket Agenda is on the website.
OFFICE ANNOUNCEMENTS. The Office is open 9-3, M-F.
Please share what you are doing to grow the Kingdom please send us a blurb!
September 2Colleen Griffith rev.mama@frontier.com
September 2 Rich Cunningham connienrich@comcast.net
HAPPENINGS CAN BE FOUND ON OUR WEBSITE UNDER ITEMS OF INTEREST. Each issue will be posted for three weeks.
Updates or News Items are due by 9 am Wednesday for the Happening of the Week.
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