907 National Road
Wheeling, WV 26003
Office Hours: Mon–Fri, 9:00 am–3:00 pm.
The office will be closed Friday, July 3 for the Holiday.
In an emergency after office hours, call 304-266-8154.
“The Lord will have compassion on his servants.” Psalm 135:14
Mike Lenno
Gene Toot Susan McMannis Linda Turner Vickie Whinnery Homer Harden Donna Todd |
Karen Edwards
Susan Lehosky Philip Keevil Gary Nylund Debbie Hale Dave Roberts
Judy Walton
Matt Camlin
R. H. “Mac” McCuen Cherilyn Bown Joe Hendricks David Brocklehurst Dr. Lew & Ruth Stevens |
Dakota Partnership
Melanie Blount Domasi Partnership
All Service men & women
Pray for those sick with the corona virus, first responders, nurses, doctors, and the families who lost loved ones.
Pray for our presbyters, family members, and friends who are ill, hospitalized or in nursing homes.
Please pray for our Churches and those who minister.
Pray for our presbyters, family members, and friends who are ill, hospitalized or in nursing homes.
Please pray for our Churches and those who minister.
Please pray for our school administrators, parents/guardians, teachers and students as they navigate new realities of school during the pandemic.
Please keep us updated of any prayer concerns you may have
WEEKLY PRAYER FOR UOVP PASTORS. Select one of these pastors and remember him/her in your prayers this week: Kandy Dunn, Michael Dunn, Karen Edwards, Jason Elliott, and Joe Ellis.
STAY AT HOME AND ATTEND A CONFERENCE – Noted authors and educators Brenda Salter McNeil and Jonathan Wilson-Hartgrove will headline this fall’s World Mission Initiative Conference, an online series October 7, 14, 21, and 28. Lectures, Q & A, and facilitated discussions for your small group FREE! https://www.pts.edu/wmi-conference
If you paid for and ordered the Presbyterian Planning Calendars, they are now in the office, 9-3 Monday-Friday. We have a few extras for sale at $10.50 apiece.
We are unable to mail these out.
We had 32 participants last night. It was great practice for the Presbytery office and participants as we explore new ways of conducting business. We are all learning tougher! Tyler Bayless shared information about the Beaver Creek Presbyterian Camp. Bob Milner reviewed some of his experiences being a GA commissioner for a virtual GA. David Stammerjohn talked about how his church is reaching out to the youth virtually. David encouraged other churches to share how they are serving during these unusual times with reading stories online. It was good to connect and it helps us in the Presbytery office to help make these Virtual meetings more efficient and enjoyable.
The September Presbytery meeting will be on Zoom.
If you still have not experienced getting onto zoom, please contact Christine, and we can have a tutorial! There is a lot of good information on the Zoom websitehttps://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/360042982391 (Control+Right Click) as well.
We are making written reports mandatory for previewing before the meeting in our docket packet. We are requesting that your reports for the docket packet be separated by items for information and items for action.
NO ORAL REPORTS WILL BE GIVEN AT THIS MEETING to keep to time restraints. A more detailed email went out to committee chairs went out last week, please contact the office if you did not receive it.
Request for Time on Presbytery Meeting Docket for
Tuesday, September 8, 2020 @6:00 p.m. via Zoom.
Please send your docket time request to our Stated Clerk scuovp@gmail.com by 9:00 a.m. Thursday, August 13th.
Tuesday, September 8, 2020 @6:00 p.m. via Zoom.
Please send your docket time request to our Stated Clerk scuovp@gmail.com by 9:00 a.m. Thursday, August 13th.
Please send the following information back to the office.1) Name of Committee making a report:
2) Name of person or persons making the report:
3) Amount of time requested: minutes
4) Will you be submitting a written report? Yes / No
2) Name of person or persons making the report:
3) Amount of time requested: minutes
4) Will you be submitting a written report? Yes / No
5) If you are submitting a written report, this is due to the office at 1 pm Monday, August 17.
The report (written and/or oral) will include the following items: __________________
The report (written and/or oral) will include the following items: __________________
Dakota Partnership, Laughlin and Stewardship Committees have already submitted their reports for Presbytery Meeting. COM chairs were the first group to ask for docket time! Well done good and faithful servants! We look forward to hearing from other committees soon!
OFFICE ANNOUNCEMENTS. The Office is open 9-3, M-F.
If your congregation would like to share what you are doing to grow the Kingdom please send us a blurb! Summer Newsletters for Presbyterian Older Adult Ministries, Presbyterian Women’s Quarterly, Peacemaking Brief, and Presbyterian World Missions News have been linked on our website and may be found under Spotlight.
HAPPENINGS CAN BE FOUND ON OUR WEBSITE UNDER ITEMS OF INTEREST. Each issue will be posted for three weeks. Updates or News Items are due by 9 am Wednesday for the Happening of the Week. No Birthdays this Week!
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