Friday, April 3, 2020

Connecting during social distancing: This week's resources for Lent and navigating COVID-19

Spiritual & Walking Guide' to be included in Presbyterian ...

COVID-19 news & resources

As we enter the Easter season we are reminded that we live in hope. We pray as you serve in your household, church and communities you can take to heart Jesus' word to not be afraid. We continue to give thanks for you and are inspired by all you are doing to show the love of God in these challenging times. 

As many of us practice social distancing and gatherings are canceled, we at the Presbyterian Outlook are seeking to provide resources for our Lenten journey and ways to stay connected to each other during this challenging season.

To that end, we are creating a weekly video devotion, worship liturgies that you are welcome to use and share no matter what your worship looks like these weeks, and lessons and guides for child-friendly family worship and education. We also invite you to use our weekly lectionary reflections, "Looking into the lectionary" for weekly worship, Bible study or devotions. We will be posting information and resources frequently for as long as we are homebound. Please check our website or follow us on social media for the most up-to-date materials. You can find all of the Outlook's COVID-19 stories with this link and you can find all of our new worship resources here.

How can we support you? Are there other resources that would be helpful? Let us know. And if these free materials are helpful to you, please consider making a donation to help us keep providing theologically sound content for the church.

Grace and peace,
Jill Duffield

Worship resources
Liturgy by Jill Duffield
By Joelle-Brummit-Yale and Becky D'Angelo-Veitch
By Carolyn Winfrey Gillette
This week we look to the symbol of oil and consider what it means to be called by God and anointed for service. How might God be calling you to serve right now? Be assured that you will be equipped and consecrated for that work.

News & Ministry Aids
Lord, we think of you, your compassion and kindness, your stalwart love and your selfless courage, because we see these traits in those on the front lines, combating this pandemic.
The Office of the General Assembly has released a new advisory opinion about how congregations can celebrate communion in an emergency or pandemic.
Steve Salyards (the "GA Junkie") considers the various forms the Book of Order would allow General Assembly to take this year. Here are his conjectures.
Jill Duffield reflects on feeling unmoored, upended being unable to physically "go to church" on Sunday.

A current seminary student says there's a lot that she hasn't learned about ministering during a pandemic — but what she has learned about God remains true.
What if we took Psalm 130 seriously? I wait for the Lord, my soul waits. Waiting with hope, waiting in silence. Waiting may be our holy calling.
Are these resources helpful to your ministry or faith practice?

Donations help us create additional resources to serve the church.

The Presbyterian Outlook | 1 N. 5th St., Suite 500, Richmond, VA 23219

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