Friday Digest | Jun 30, 2023 |
 | “I am completely convinced that the table is the best way to build community in our church.” — The Rev. Kate Fields, pastor of children’s ministry and discipleship at Belmont United Methodist Church in Nashville, Tenn.
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| United Methodist Communications Church connects farmers and city dwellers |  | NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Every United Methodist knows that food has the power to connect and build community. The Rev. Kate Fields, a biologist turned pastor, is helping Belmont United Methodist Church near Nashville’s downtown connect with local farmers and is developing curriculum other churches can use. | |  |  |  |
| Church and Society Faith leaders decry high court ruling on affirmative action |  | WASHINGTON — In response to the June 29 decision made by the U.S. Supreme Court regarding affirmative action, leaders of four United Methodist general agencies — Board of Church and Society, Commission on Religion and Race, Commission on the Status and Role of Women and Board of Higher Education and Ministry — released a joint statement expressing their opposition to the decision. | |  |
| North Georgia Conference, South Georgia Conference Standing with Jewish neighbors |  | MARIETTA, Ga. — United Methodists in both the North and South Georgia conferences are standing in solidarity with Jewish neighbors after an anti-Semitic group demonstrated outside synagogues in Marietta and Macon during Shabbat services. In Marietta, East Cobb United Methodist Church hosted an interfaith Time of Prayer and Action on June 28. In Macon, Mulberry Street United Methodist Church plans to host a Service of Unity on July 2, where U.S. Sen. Jon Ossoff is scheduled to speak. | |  |
| Capital Gazette Arrests made in church vandalism case |  | ANNAPOLIS, Md. — The Anne Arundel County Police Department announced June 29 that it had filed charges related to three hate bias cases, including vandalism at Fowler United Methodist Church that caused an estimated $100,000 in damages. Luke Parker reports. | |  |
|  | |  | Here are some of the activities ahead for United Methodists across the connection. If you have an item to share, you can add it to the calendar by clicking here. |
Monday, July 24-Friday, Aug. 4 | | |
| Wednesday, July 19-Friday, July 28
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Global Ministries staffer mourned near and far | EL PASO, Texas (UM News) — Year after year, the Rev. Edgar Avitia Legarda traveled across Latin America and beyond for the United Methodist Board of Global Ministries, encouraging mission work and tending relationships with various Methodist groups. His June 27 death from a heart attack, at age 62, prompted an outpouring of grief among far-flung colleagues. Sam Hodges and Jim Patterson report.
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Estonian churches leave United Methodist fold
| TALLINN, Estonia (UM News) — The 23 United Methodist churches in the nation of Estonia have completed the steps to depart the denomination and form the autonomous Estonia Methodist Church. United Methodists in the Northern Europe and Eurasia Central Conference met earlier this year to approve a process allowing the churches to disaffiliate. Heather Hahn reports. | |  |
New 2023 annual conference reports posted | NASHVILLE, Tenn. (UM News) — United Methodist News is posting 2023 annual conference reports. New this week are the California-Nevada, Central Appalachian Missionary, East Ohio, Illinois Great Rivers, Kentucky, Minnesota, New England, North Alabama, Northern Illinois, Pacific Northwest, Poland, South Carolina, Susquehanna, Texas and Virginia conferences. | |  |
Commentary: Campus ministry reassures parents | GLENVIEW, Ill. (UM News) — A Wespath Benefits and Investments executive and his wife can worry a little less about how their daughter will fare in college, thanks to the United Methodist ministry known as Wesley at Virginia Tech. Joe Halwax writes about how the ministry embraced his daughter from the first campus visit. | |  |
Check out UM News on TikTok | NASHVILLE, Tenn. (UM News) — UM News is now providing news and features through TikTok. Find us on the social media platform as unitedmethodistnews. Initial stories focus on such diverse topics as The United Methodist Church’s growth in Madagascar, a “Moral Monday” march in Tennessee, the chartering of a Samoan congregation in Alaska and the impact of a prison ministry in West Virginia. Vernon Jordan brings the stories. | |  |
Ask The UMC Exploring Our Living World | NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Religion describes the ways human cultures have sought to create, sustain and renew links with one another, the world around them and the powers or reality behind it all. In a six-part series, Ask The UMC explores how United Methodists seek to sustain and renew links to our living world. Part 1 looks at how United Methodists relate to animal life. | |  |