Saturday, April 9, 2022

An Update from Richard DuBose

Montreat Conference Center
Greetings from Montreat! Today I write to share an update on two important projects that the conference center is currently undertaking. 

First, those in Montreat will notice extensive activity at the Moore Center as we begin renovations of the Huckleberry Café space. While it was closed during 2021, we developed plans to revitalize and create a more welcoming gathering space for all who come to Montreat. The initial construction phase will be completed by early June, and we look forward to welcoming you all back for ice cream and coffee this summer! 

Over the next two years, a larger vision for the Huckleberry and for Moore Center will take shape. We recognize that Montreat is short on public spaces that gather people informally and offer the chance to build community and relationships with others in our midst. As our plans move forward, we are excited about how the Huck and Moore Center can serve Montreaters in the years to come. 

Second, here’s an update on the conference center’s plan for a new 40-room lodge in Montreat. As many are aware, last fall we applied to the Town of Montreat for a permit to construct a new lodge. As such we followed a very rigorous process for special use permits set out in the Montreat Code, and after a long hearing, presentation of the evidence, and careful deliberation, the Board of Adjustment determined that the plan met all the standards for the permit. The decision speaks for itself, and we believe that it will hold up if appealed.  

The permit was a major step but not the final one for us. In many ways the work is just beginning as attention now turns to moving forward with our design work and fundraising. The need for a new lodge increases by the day. For all who have already reached out to lend your support, thank you for your continued encouragement. 

The proposed new lodge and a new Huck share the same goal: to help us extend welcome and provide more opportunities for all those who venture to this valley -- more opportunities to encounter God through the gathering of the church, amid family and friends, and in the abundance of God’s beautiful creation. At its March meeting, our board expressed its excitement and continued support, and as word spreads that excitement is growing. As we prepare for a busy spring and summer, please know that our staff are grateful for your continued prayers and support and look forward to greeting you on your next trip to Montreat.  

Finally, just a word to encourage you to make a gift to the Montreat Fund by the end of our fiscal year on April 30th, a gift that will continue to sustain Montreat’s impact on countless lives in the church and in the world. Your gift, along with those of many others, makes Montreat possible for thousands of people each year. Thank you in advance for your support!  

Richard DuBose
Montreat Conference Center
To read this update on our website click here.

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Montreat Conference Center | PO Box 969, Montreat, NC 28757

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