Wednesday, June 3, 2020

UPDATE on Ghost Ranch Openings - Workshops to Resume in September

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Summer Update

Hello, friends.
A few weeks ago, part of the alfalfa field was plowed and seeded. This week at Ghost Ranch, the alfalfa field is turning green. The hummingbirds are zipping by the Welcome Center. Afternoon clouds have dropped a few sprinkles that have made for awesome New Mexico sunsets.
Reservations open Thursday, June 4 at
We appreciate your patience as the governor eases restrictions for business and as staff feels safe to have guests on-site, we will gradually open the ranch for day guests for limited trail rides (starting June 8), tours (starting June 10) and day visitors/hikers (starting June 12).
We will then slowly open for overnight guests at suggested state occupancy levels to allow for social distancing. This date has not been sent. This cautious start-up process will allow us to safely and responsibly open the ranch for guest, staff and community safety.
For revisions to the opening schedule visit:
Summer Workshops Are Cancelled - Will Begin Again In September
After a difficult decision process, we have chosen to suspend our summer catalog offerings and begin with those workshops and retreats starting in September. Our team is working to contact all the folks who had previously registered for workshops June through the end of August. If you have not heard something by this Thursday evening, don't hesitate to reach out to Stephen Picha ( / 505.280.1860) or Robin Keck ( / 612.770.5950).
The option to keep funds on deposit for a workshop or future visits is available. Some folks have requested a partial refund leaving some as of their reservation deposit as a donation. We are truly grateful for those gifts, though we understand not all are able to take this option, especially in these times.
We continue to ask for your prayers as we continue to hold you and your families in ours.
Paul Fogg
Executive Director

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