Tuesday, June 2, 2020

KYP: Speak up. Stand up. Show up against racism

The Urgency of this Moment
Prominent thought leaders and UCC clergy say racism is a deadly virus that white people must help eradicate.
Read more

Cleveland Shuts Down
As elsewhere, vandals invade peaceful protests in Cleveland; Church House escapes damage.
Learn more
Calling Out Evil
UCC continues to 'face the evil' in response to killings of Floyd, Arbery and other Black Americans.
Read more
Speak up. Stand up. Show up.
The UCC National Officers call on the Church to challenge the evil of racism.
Read the statement
We Cannot Be Silent
The UCC Board issues a statement in solidarity with the National Officers, Conferences and churches condemning racist actions.
Read the statement
Contribute to Change
Join a Religions for Peace-USA webinar with John Dorhauer on Wednesday, June 4, at noon ET, addressing systematic violence against African Americans.
Learn more, register today
Say His Name
The death of George Floyd in police custody draws responses from UCC people of Minneapolis.
Read more

Frederick Gives Back
Maryland church partners with local restaurants to feed community health care workers.
Read more
An Annual Institution
UCC Conferences face complex decisions about organizing annual meetings.
Read more
The Price of Race
Can we muster the courage to choose love, to continue determination to end racism?
Listen to the podcast
Take Action: Support Swift Passage of the HEROES Act.
Around the Globe: Love and Light — Jamaica
Witness for Justice: Come, Holy Spirit
Vital Signs & Statistics: Coronavirus, Historical Amnesia, and the Tyranny
Ministerial Changes: Changes and Deaths
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United Church of Christ · 700 Prospect Ave, Cleveland, OH 44115, United States

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