Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Presbyterian Church USA Weekly News

Matthew 25 in the PC(USA): A bold vision and invitation


Stated Clerk: ‘No longer can we hide behind not being controversial’
The church is called to ‘dismantle structures that put people in poverty and pain’
‘It is a righteous and holy anger that sees injustice and knows that it is wrong’
PMA President and Executive Director Diane Moffett issues statement on recent protests, shootings
Beyond protests, how can you and your church bring change?
Director of PC(USA) Washington Office has ideas, including act local, get to know police and run for office
Stated Clerk/Committee on Theological Education express concern on San Francisco Theological Seminary merger
Both affirm commitment to theological education
‘We unreservedly condemn the killings of African Americans’
The PC(USA)’s African Presbyterian Leaders Alliance releases a video in response to the killing of George Floyd
Stated Clerk says don’t rush to get back into a church building for worship
J. Herbert Nelson, II, urges caution as the COVID-19 pandemic continues
Online worship is ‘not a show that you consume’
An Oklahoma pastor and church session make online worship work by working at it
Racial Justice Resources page now available online
Downloadable videos, statements, articles and worship resources are gathered on one site
About 250 join online worship hosted by More Light Presbyterians
Singing in a round online? Illustrating the Creation story? No problem
Finding a new normal during a global pandemic
‘God designed our bodies with the need to express and process loss’
Hosting from afar
As the host of the first online General Assembly, Presbytery of Baltimore takes its work seriously while still having fun
Adopt a Family initiative in Kenya feeds 32K families in two months
Presbyterian Church of East Africa: If people don’t work today, they won’t eat tomorrow
Faith formation at home
The pandemic has revitalized parents’ role of shaping their children’s spiritual development
What God’s community looks like
Here’s a hint: We have plenty of work to do
Presbytery uses video to call for unity, reconciliation and justice
Confession of Belhar’s powerful language is stressed in new Mid-Kentucky Presbytery video
The film ‘Just Mercy’ can be viewed free this month
Presbyterian pastor and film critic Edward McNulty provides discussion questions for the acclaimed film
Take up the shield of faith
With help from its pastor’s scientific bent, New Jersey’s Hildale Park Presbyterian Church creates hundreds of face shields for medical staff
Board of Pensions names new Chief Investment Officer
Donald A. Walker III will succeed Judy Freyer on July 1
Mid council and other church leaders share their hearts and prayers as the nation struggles
New video captures spirit of church across the country
Presbyterian-Reformed Church in Cuba grieves with PC(USA) in the death of George Floyd
Letter to church leaders condemns police action
Hong Kong turns from one crisis to another
China may be putting plans in motion to curtail city’s limited democracy
When you’re not at General Assembly, go to Peace Camp
Presbyterian Peace Fellowship, usually a big General Assembly presence, offers online event during GA week
Seeking justice in the death of George Floyd by honoring his life
About 200 clergy prayed before a peaceful march in Houston
How should we protest, and why?
Presbyterian web series features three veteran activists talking about protests present and past
Iosso to leave ACSWP post to serve Church in a new ministry
‘This is a time for experimentation in Christian ministry, not desperation’
What we see now is not what we get later
Joy J. Moore: ‘We cannot be a healthy church on a sick planet’
Running toward chaos
A nurse volunteers to serve COVID-19 patients in a New York hospital
Racial Justice Resources — Statements from the PC(USA), worship resources, policy statements, books, study and discussion materials, and more
Coronavirus/COVID-19 — Latest church resources
for congregations and members
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