Wednesday, June 10, 2020

New Church New Way, June 2020

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You don’t need me to say that everything has changed overnight.
It has, and so has the work of the 1001 team in support of our new worshiping communities. Though the threat is real and some of our most vulnerable communities are feeling this crisis more powerfully than others, the resilience and courage of the 500 or so NWCs in the PC(USA) offer hope and wisdom for the larger church.
This issue of New Church New Way bears witness to the work of the Spirit among us:
  • In the relentless trust of Spanish-speaking immigrants and their leaders who stitch together safety nets for their own
  • In the generosity vision of Presbyterians who continue to fund NWCs through the grant program of the Presbyterian Mission Agency
  • In the sharing of insight from the house churches of 1001 for traditional congregations transitioning into small in-person gatherings
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House church in the time of COVID-19
Pastors leading 1001 house church worshiping communities are helping people be the church in small gatherings online and in the first phase of state-approved gatherings.
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No COVID-19 relief for taxpaying immigrants in worshiping communities
A member of a South Louisville home church tells his pastor, "We the poor — all we have is God to protect us and we put ourselves in God’s hands."
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Worshiping communities awarded Mission Program Grants
Five new communities have received $7,500 to help them get started; $25,000 has been given to six others as they grow and live into their mission and ministry.
Grant recipients here →
New training opportunities take a virtual shape
1001 Assessments and Training are going online as travel is limited. While we will miss the energy and joy of gathering in person, we are convinced that offering new training opportunities online will stretch our reach and increase our access for leaders who are juggling ministry, family and side hustles during this pandemic.

In August, we hope to pilot a first-ever online assessment and release a Spanish-language training platform for new leaders. An English version will follow in the fall. There will be four virtual Missional Summits (assessments) to train local NWC leadership teams, a virtual Accelerator designed for leaders in their first years of starting an NWC, and Discipleship Groups for leaders in all phases of starting churches.

For more information about training opportunities, contact Sean Chow. To learn more about assessments, contact Michael Gehrling.
Visit 1001 web page →
Matthew 25 Church
Matthew 25-Actively engaged in the world
The Matthew 25 invitation was officially launched in April of 2019. Over a year later there are more than 530 churches, groups and mid councils that have made the commitment to become a Matthew 25 church and work towards building congregational vitality, dismantling structural racism and eradicating systemic poverty.
Explore our bold vision →
Coronavirus/COVID-19 Resources for Congregations and Members
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