Tuesday, March 11, 2025

RNS Morning Report - Pope Francis is out of medical danger, doctors say, but will remain in hospital

RNS Morning Report

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Pope Francis is out of medical danger, doctors say, but will remain in hospital

(RNS) — The pope also expressed 'closeness' to the victims of the deadly floods in his native country of Argentina.

Ramadan behind bars should be a holy time, Muslim advocates say, not a fight for religious rights

(RNS) — From being forced to break fast outside of the permitted hours to not being able to congregate for Eid al-Fitr, the celebration marking the end of the fast, Ramadan is often a period when inmates have to engage in tedious legal battles to ensure their religious rights are respected.

Italian prisoners pray for Pope Francis, a longstanding advocate for the incarcerated

(RNS) — Pope Francis is considered an unwavering voice for mercy by many incarcerated Italians, chaplains said.

A Salvation Army volunteer was killed when a young dad ran a stop sign. His family responded with mercy.

(RNS) — What happens when a mistake has fatal consequences? Is mercy possible?


RNS Opinion

No, Elon, we should not go to Mars

(RNS) — It makes more sense to spend money saving the Earth from climate change, ecological destruction and international conflicts than it does going to Mars.

Zelenskyy is Jewish. Does it matter?

(RNS) — It might matter more than we think. That is what Timothy Snyder says, and he is often right.



As White House considers abandoning foreign aid, faith groups say they can’t do it alone

WASHINGTON (RNS) — A discussion centered on whether the federal government should be dispensing foreign aid, which government officials referred to as ‘philanthropy.’

Scripture doesn’t make rules for pastors’ wives. Beth Allison Barr explains why it matters.

(RNS) — In ‘Becoming the Pastor’s Wife,’ Barr argues that the white, evangelical model for pastors’ wives is a product of culture, not Scripture.

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