Tuesday, March 25, 2025

RNS Morning Report - Former Intel CEO Pat Gelsinger hopes Gloo can make AI a force for good — and for God

RNS Morning Report

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Former Intel CEO Pat Gelsinger hopes Gloo can make AI a force for good — and for God

(RNS) — Gelsinger, a former tech CEO and advocate for ethical uses of AI, has long been involved with Gloo, a tech platform that provides cloud-based services for churches.

‘We’re more than the worst thing we’ve done’, says spiritual adviser to man executed by firing squad

(RNS) — For United Methodist minister Hillary Taylor, there's a reward in introducing outsiders to someone who is kind and compassionate — 'telling a story that maybe hasn’t been told before.'

Yazidis call attention to nearly 3,000 captives still missing a decade later

(RNS) — Jamileh Naso, president of the Canadian Yazidi Association, said the global Yazidi community has meticulously documented and tracked the names of those abducted, but their efforts need international support. 

Pope Francis advisers say he’ll recover from pneumonia and a ‘new stage’ is opening for him

ROME (AP) — The Vatican press office reported Friday that Francis' overall condition remained stable, with slight improvements as he continues respiratory and physical physiotherapy.


RNS Opinion

What does new LDS messaging really say about women in the church?

(RNS) — Women are second-class citizens in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, guest columnist Emily W. Jensen concludes in analyzing the church's recent efforts to connect better with women.

As we weep for Palestine and Israel, we must look to limit vengeance

(RNS) — If the world followed the lex talionis, it would be a much less bloody place.



In Dearborn, a Ramadan iftar for Muslim foster youth to break fast in community

DEARBORN HEIGHTS, Mich. (RNS and NPR) — For Muslim children in non-Muslim foster care homes, Ramadan can be a lonely experience.

Willow Creek pastor Dave Dummitt to step down, Shawn Williams named successor

SOUTH BARRINGTON, Ill. (RNS) — Dummitt, who led the Chicagoland megachurch through COVID-19 and the fallout from a scandal involving Willow Creek’s founder, said it’s time for a new leader to take charge.

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