Wednesday, June 22, 2022

RNS Morning Report: Buddhist leader in Bhutan fully ordains 144 women

RNS Morning Report

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Buddhist leader in Bhutan fully ordains 144 women, resuming ancient tradition

(RNS) — Damcho Diana Finnegan, an American Tibetan Buddhist nun, called the ordination ceremony ‘a major step towards ending the institutionalized inequality between men and women in Tibetan Buddhism.’

Poll: Americans’ belief in God is dropping

(RNS) — In the latest Gallup Poll, belief in God dipped to 81%, down 6 percentage points from 2017, and the lowest since Gallup first asked the question in 1944.

Pope Francis plans to remain pope ‘for as long as God allows it,’ bishops say

VATICAN CITY (RNS) — Despite health challenges, resignation ‘does not cross his mind,’ said Brazilian Archbishop Roque Paloschi.

Justices rule religious schools must get Maine tuition aid

WASHINGTON (AP) — The outcome could fuel a renewed push for school choice programs in some of the 18 states that have so far not directed taxpayer money to private, religious education.

France rules against burkini swimwear for religious reasons

PARIS (AP) — While worn by only a small number of primarily Muslim women in France, the burkini draws intense political debate in the country.

Funerals announced for 3 killed at Alabama church dinner

VESTAVIA HILLS, Ala. (AP) — Services for Walter Bartlett Rainey, Sarah Sharon Yeager and Jane Pounds will take place at St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, where the three church members were fatally shot Thursday night.

Camino pilgrims help rural Spain’s emptying villages survive

TERRADILLOS DE LOS TEMPLARIOS, Spain (AP) — Terradillos de los Templarios, and dozens of villages like it, were built to host medieval pilgrims. Today’s Camino travelers are saving them from disappearing.

Church shooting survivor: Gunman ‘disengaged,’ sat alone

(AP) — The suspected gunman had previously attended church services and a few church gatherings but didn't seem to interact much with others.

‘A dear friend’: Syrian carves model of Cologne cathedral

COLOGNE, Germany (AP) — Alkhudr, who is Muslim, said he developed such a close connection to the Catholic cathedral that at some point it felt like the building became a part of him.

Two Nigeria churches attacked; worshippers killed, abducted

ABUJA, Nigeria (AP) — At least 32 people were killed in the Kajuru area last week in an attack that lasted for hours across four villages.

Jesuits: 2 priests killed in northern Mexico

MEXICO CITY (AP) — A statement from the Roman Catholic Society of Jesus in Mexico demanded justice and the return of the men’s bodies.

RNS Opinion

Southern Baptists have not always opposed abortion

(The Conversation) — A scholar writes about how the Southern Baptist Convention’s views on abortion changed during the 1980s, when a more conservative wing seized control of the denomination.


A pioneering Shabbat service marks a new way to observe Jewish Juneteenth

(RNS) —The Juneteenth Kabbalat Shabbat was the first Jewish service organized and led by Jews of color to mark the annual celebration of freedom that is now a federal holiday.

Grappling with the sacred in Juneteenth’s celebration of freedom

(RNS) — With Juneteenth falling on Sunday this year, Christians especially are taking the opportunity to consider the spiritual charge of the day.

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