Monday, June 27, 2022

NCC Newsletter: Announcing the CUG Theme!

Announcing the CUG Theme!
NCC Newsletter
June 24, 2022
Save the Date for CUG and Bring New Things Into Being!  
The inspiration for this year's Christian Unity Gathering (CUG) theme, "The Challenge of Change: Serving a Never Changing Christ in An Ever-Changing World," arises from two passages of scripture:

I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth; do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert. Isaiah 43:19 NRSVue; and

So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; look, new things have come into being! 2 Corinthians 5:17 NRSVue.

Together, we will spring forth to do a new thing! Session topics will include Christian leadership in unchartered waters, the impact of trauma, responding to humanitarian crises, the future of faith formation, how to uproot racism/Christian nationalism/White supremacy, and how to deal with domestic unrest and dramatic change.

Registration will be opening soon! The annual event will be held virtually to make it easier to attend, provide scheduling flexibility, eliminate travel barriers, reduce the event’s carbon-footprint, and be more inclusive. The fee to attend on the Whova platform will be $25 per attendee. The recorded sessions will be available within Whova for viewing for a period after the event.

We look forward to seeing you at CUG 2022!
From our Partners:
The Power of Hello - Safety Measures for Houses of Worship
As communities of faith struggle through attacks against houses of worship, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security has a new resource from the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) that should be shared throughout our denominations. 

"The Power of Hello" outlines the simple steps that can be taken to enhance security by understanding behaviors and taking precautionary actions before a potential attack.

Keeping churches secure while remaining open and welcoming places can be a challenge but the Guide instructs, "Simply saying 'Hello' can prompt a casual conversation with a new person, providing an opportunity to observe and establish a connection. The OHNO approach–Observe, Initiate a Hello, Navigate the Risk, and Obtain Help–enables staff to observe and evaluate suspicious behaviors, empowering them to lower risk and obtain help when necessary."
Funding Increased for Security Grant Program
The U.S. Congress has increased appropriations for the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP) to $360 million for fiscal year 2023, up from $250 million this year. This increase highlights how important it is for faith organizations to train and plan for potential security threats.
The funding increase of $110 million still falls short of the $220 million in applicant requests denied during the last grant cycle because of a lack of available grant money in fiscal year 2021. Due to the limited funds, churches are encouraged to apply for these increased NSGP funds through FEMA now. 

Interfaith Statement to Abolish Nuclear Weapons
The NCC joined the World Council of Churches (WCC) and many interreligious partners in signing onto the "Joint Interfaith Statement Welcoming the First Meeting of the States Parties to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (MSP)." The statement was delivered in person on June 22, 2022 to the meeting and beautifully read by Olivia Baro, a representative from the Pacific Conference of Churches.

A group working together as the Faith Communities Concerned about Nuclear Weapons led the effort to issue the statement. Each of the organizations signing have deep commitments to peace and the total elimination of nuclear weapons.

The statement was also personally handed to the President of the MSP, Alexander Kmentt, and he thanked the faith communities for their continued engagement on this issue.

Photos provided by WCC Commission on International Affairs staff.

NCC Joins Call to Return to the Iran Nuclear Deal
The NCC joined with faith groups including the Alliance of Baptists, Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Church of the Brethren, The Episcopal Church, Presbyterian Church (USA), United Church of Christ, and The United Methodist Church, to call on President Biden to return to the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) by the United States and Iran. The letter states in part, "We are deeply concerned by recent news reports suggesting that negotiations between Iran and the United States on a return to the JCPOA are on the verge of collapse, heightening the risk of war and nuclear proliferation. We strongly urge the Biden administration to remain at the negotiating table and have the courage to act boldly for peace."
COVID-19 Pandemic Response: Summer Camp Toolkit
Resources are available for churches and church camps to help increase confidence in and uptake of COVID-19 vaccines among staff and campers. 

The materials provide information from the Centers for Disease Control and new, culturally tailored materials from the Department of Health and Human Services COVID-19 public education campaign and its team of multicultural experts.

This Week's Wordle
Here's this week's faith-related Wordle! We've customized the game solutions to be religion-based each Friday. 

If you have never played, click on the "Play" button and you will be able to find instructions by clicking the "i" for information.

Please share this newsletter with your friends, family, and faith community members who may enjoy completing these special Wordles!

If you find our newsletter informative, please forward it to friends and colleagues! 

To receive the newsletter, sign up here.

Your gifts helps us build a more just and equitable community that chooses grace over greed, love over hate, and faith over fear.

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