Thursday, June 4, 2020

Weekly Coronavirus briefing and News from the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

Stated Clerk remembers recent victims of racial violence
J. Herbert Nelson, II calls for change
The hope of the church in the nasty here and now
Diane Moffett caps a service of lament with a stirring, yet sobering, reflection
Synergy between PC(USA) assembly and Poor People’s Campaign continues onlineLive General Assembly in Baltimore and Moral March on Washington had to become virtual events but continue in concert
PC(USA) celebrates the life of the Rev. Dr. Mary-Anne Plaatjies van HuffelShe worked tirelessly to uphold the dignity of all people
‘We fall to our knees with you’
A statement by the National Middle Eastern Presbyterian Caucus
‘Thank you for changing your Facebook profile or liking a post — but more is needed’
In the midst of protests, churches in Pittsburgh Presbytery work to dismantle structural racism
‘Racism is a sin against humanity’
PC(USA) Washington office calls for action following the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery
Hispanic/Latinx National Presbyterian Caucus ‘stands in strong solidarity’ with African American siblings
Says violence against black people ‘remains the most egregious example of white privilege and supremacy’
1001 New Worshiping Communities leaders report released
Leaders continue to find new ways to do church while negotiating challenges
Responding to the trauma of gun violence
Pastor reflects on mass shooting at South Carolina church
PC(USA) statistics show a leveling off in membership decline
The number of new worshiping communities continues to climb
‘We are accountable to the commitments we have made’
Two advocacy committees call on the PC(USA) to recommit to the struggle for racial justice
Once upon a time in a pandemic
A Presbyterian grandmother’s story of social distancing
PC(USA) agencies/entities complete Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Audit
Report to be sent to 224th General Assembly (2020)
Mission co-workers finding new ways to serve global partners
Need for connecting and support is greater than ever before
These youth are indeed rising
Young Baltimore entrepreneurs will tell their stories June 23 as part of the online General Assembly
Arthur Fullerton and Marie Mainard O’Connell seek to embrace change for the PC(USA)
Candidates for Co-Moderators see a different kind of two-year term
Eleven new worshiping communities, two presbyteries receive Mission Program Grants
Grants awarded to new worshiping communities as well as more established ministries
Coronavirus News
‘If we will not face it, we certainly can’t fix it’Diane Moffett says Matthew 25 invitation, Vital Congregations can be a balm to a hurting world
Once upon a time in a pandemic
A Presbyterian grandmother’s story of social distancing
Family, often the best teacher, can drive home environmental truths
Politician, author and entrepreneur Stacey Abrams shares a bit of her faith story
2020 Pentecost echoes first century church gathering
Even while isolated, we can still celebrate the Spirit’s movement
At many churches, homeless ministries continue during pandemic
Some PC(USA) congregations have expanded services as needs have grown due to COVID-19
In Rwanda, integrity shines through difficult timesPIASS staff works together to solve COVID-19 economic crisis
‘Let’s take the opportunity to swing wide the gates’Spelman College’s Dean of Sisters Chapel encourages preachers to assert their moral authority
Going back to the future churchPresbytery to address what God is doing during the pandemic as churches consider reopening their buildings
Where is God in a pandemic?The short answer: God is amidst us in the suffering
Seeking a pastoral call during a pandemicCandidates, search committees get creative while learning more about one another
Minister of HouseholdThe pandemic has added titles and functions as we share virtual space
Five keys to reducing the stress around sermon preparationA Festival of Homiletics webinar urges preachers to let go of what doesn’t matter
Resources for such a time as thisPC(USA) provides prayer, hymn for churches during a time of racial injustice
Virtual camp that’s real funVirtual camp portal enables the camp experience even during the pandemic
Pandemic-caused losses span the age range of Presbyterians
A pastor with ties to both parish and campus ministry laments the pain at both places
PC(USA) Hispanic/Latina-o faith community holds firm to faith in God
Churches forge ahead despite structural obstacles and COVID-19
Take part in historic first virtual New Wilmington Mission Conference, July 17–19
2020 scriptural theme: ‘For we walk by faith, not by sight’
Sharing pandemic voices of hope in Peru
Join in singing a new tune of mission outreach
Presbyterian Church USA
100 Witherspoon Street
Louisville, KY 40202
United States

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