Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Synod of the Trinity Enews: A season of change - a time to move on

Being More with map 2
June 5, 2020
The Synod of the Trinity
Being More Together

Find the latest COVID-19 resources
on the Synod website here.

Synod of the Trinity

Facebook summer 2015-2 2
A season of change: A time to move on from our historic home!
Since the fall, the Governing Commission, the Budget and Finance Advisory Team, and your Synod staff have been engaged in conversations about our building at 3040 Market Street in Camp Hill, PA! The ministry springing from this location has been a gift to the church, and there are memories of people and ministry dreamed and grown here since the 1960s.
As we consider a big picture about current and future regional ministry, we believe the time has come to move from this building, sell it, and find a smaller office to serve our current needs without having to be landlords! It is a question of faithfulness and good stewardship.
Read the entire statement on this decision here.

Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

Arm in arm
'We Stand Arm In Arm'
Mid council leaders from throughout the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) share this prayer of lament and solidarity for such a time as this.
Susan Wonderland (Synod of the Trinity), Ruth Santana-Grace (Philadelphia) and Cheryl Galan (Carlisle) all took part in this moving video.
To view the video, click here.


Joiner crop
It's the 'Summer of Jubilee' at Crestfield Camp and new director
The camping industry is one of the many organizations hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic. And that is certainly true with the Presbyterian camp and conference centers in the Synod of the Trinity region.
Crestfield Camp and Conference Center in Slippery Rock, PA, is thinking outside of the box this summer. After having to cancel all resident overnight camps, new camp Executive Director Gene Joiner and his staff are preparing for a "Summer of Jubilee."
Read about this "restart" by clicking here.


'Pioneer Women Reflect on Pioneer Women' in weekly video series
Congregations across the Synod of the Trinity and the country are finding new ways to minister virtually to their members and to provide community during these months of social distancing while we stay at home to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The First Presbyterian Church in Philadelphia found a creative online way to study the women of the Bible in this year that marks the 100th anniversary of women’s suffrage.
To read about this nine-part video series, click here.

Lackawanna, Lehigh, Northumberland

Bruce Reyes-Chow to speak as part of three-part workshop series
The Synod of the Trinity has been invited to join with Lackawanna, Lehigh and Northumberland Presbyteries in hosting past GA Moderator Bruce Reyes-Chow on Tuesday, June 16, at 1 p.m. to discuss “Ideas for a Hybridized Worship Experience Between People on Zoom and People in Person.”
All in the Synod are welcome for this important conversation and there are plenty of seats so DO join in!
  • June 10: "Generosity in Uncertain Times" by Ellie Johns-Kelly, Ministry Relations Officer, Presbyterian Foundation
  • "Theological, Ecclesiastical and Practical Issues Related to Re-Opening Church Buildings" by Cindy Kohlmann, PCUSA Co-Moderator (June 3 recording and PowerPoint)
More information and registration are available here.

Coronavirus Resources & Information


'George Floyd was my brother'

Presbyterian Outlook editor Jill Duffield responded to the murder of George Floyd by a police officer in Minneapolis last week, saying "George Floyd is my brother. Like you, like me, George Floyd was created in God’s image and declared good."
Read this article here.

Annual Ruling Elder Luncheon online July 8

A webinar titled “Celebrating the Call to Serve as a Ruling Elder” is scheduled for Wednesday, July 8. This online opportunity replaces the normal Ruling Elder Luncheon that occurs at the General Assembly, which this year will be held online.
More information on this event is available here.

Staycation Bible School 2020: Feet that follow

Are you looking for a way to engage children this summer, but struggling with how to connect during social distancing?  The Presbyterian Outlook has you covered with Staycation Bible School.
Christian educator Kelly Kaufman has crafted a week of VBS lessons and activities that can be done from home.
Find the resources here.

The Coming Pastoral Crash

The impact of the world response to COVID-19 will be felt for many years to come. It will be felt in every career field and in every home.
From one writer's perspective, those who serve in ministry are, in his thinking, in particular danger for several reasons.
Find this writer's thoughts in this article here.

Find bulletin inserts for this year's GA

The 224th General Assembly meeting in June 2020 is being held digitally for the first time in GA history. Inform your congregation with summaries from the Presbyterian Outlook that give concise, level-headed analysis of what's coming up and then what happened after votes have been taken.
Since many congregations are facing unprecedented financial challenges this year, these balanced and trusted bulletin inserts are offered for a special price: $20 for congregations smaller than 200 members and $30 for congregations larger; this includes both pre- and post-GA inserts in full-color, easy-to-read PDFs that you can easily email to all your church members.
Preorder here. Pre-GA inserts will be available June 12, and post-GA inserts will be available late evening June 27.

Fire guts historic church in Philadelphia

Third Presbyterian Church in Chester, PA, was destroyed in a five-alarm fire Thursday morning. The 125-year-old building was placed on the National Historic Registry in 2019.
The historic church, which dates back to 1896, has been under restoration by the Chester Historical Preservation Committee, which took control of the church after it went unused for a few years.
Find video of the blaze here.

PDA offers emotional and spiritual care webinars

Presbyterian Disaster Assistance has been offering one-hour Building Resilience webinar programs for faith and community leaders and PDA continues to be available to offer them to interested groups.
The webinars are available for viewing here.

Find helpful resources on Synod website

The Synod of the Trinity continues to be a resource hub for the region. On the Synod's website, you can find helpful links to the following categories:
If you have something to contribute to these sections, or have an idea for a resource page, contact Synod Communications Coordinator Mike Givler at mgivler@syntrinity.org.

Subscribe to the Synod's enews today!

If you or someone you know would benefit from receiving the Synod of the Trinity's e-newsletter, simply send that person's email address to Synod Communications Coordinator Mike Givler at mgivler@syntrinity.org and he'll get you signed up!

Synod office working virtually

Due to the coronavirus, the Synod of the Trinity staff is working remotely until further notice. This link provides contact information for us.
The Synod of the Trinity | Being More Together
Have a story tip? Email Mike Givler, Communications Coordinator, here.
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Synod of the Trinity, PCUSA
3040 Market Street
Camp Hill, Pennsylvania 17011

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