Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Living Lutheran Weekly Email Digest

ELCA presiding bishop calls on church to observe national day of mourning

ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton has called on the church to join with faith communities across the United States in lament and remembrance, and on our elected leaders to observe Monday, June, … continue
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ELCA reaffirms commitment to combat racism, white supremacy

The ELCA has reaffirmed its commitment to combating racism and white supremacy "following the recent murders of Black Americans," the church's Conference of Bishops said in a statement. The ELCA's … continue
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Look for the scars

Where is God in this crisis? Is this punishment? Why does God allow this to happen? Seventy-five summers ago, locked in his prison cell, German theologian Dietrich Bonhoeffer lamented: "They mock … continue
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