Thursday, June 4, 2020

Happening Around the Presbytery

Upper Ohio Valley Presbytery

907 National Road
Wheeling, WV  26003

Office Hours: Monday through Thursday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
In an emergency after office hours: Call 740-359-1813

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Mike Lenno
Gene Toot
Susan McMannis
Linda Turner
Vickie Whinnery
Homer Harden
Donna Todd
Karen Edwards
Susan Lehosky
Philip Keevil
David Schoolcraft
Gary Nylund
Debbie Hale
Dave Roberts
Matt Camlin
R. H. “Mac” McCuen
Sharon Willits
Cherilyn Bown
Joe Hendricks
Mike O’Neil
Judy Walton
David Brocklehurst
Dr. Lew & Ruth Stevens
Dakota Partnership
Melanie Blount
Domasi Partnership
All Service men & women
Pray for those sick with the corona virus, first responders, nurses, doctors, and the families who lost loved ones.
Pray for our presbyters, family members, and friends hospitalized or in nursing homes.
Pray for peace and an end to violence and hatred.
Please keep us informed of any prayer concerns you may have.
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PRAYER FOR UOVP PASTORS. Select one of these pastors and remember him/her in your prayers this week:
Ian Leyda, Terry Lucarelli, Tanta Luckhardt-Hendricks, Mac McCuen, Bryon McElroy.
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NEW EMAIL ADDRESS FOR REV ERICA HARLEY. Please note that Rev. Erica Harley has a new email address and change your address books to
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NEW ITEM IN RESOURCE CENTER: Real Women Real Faith Bible study KIT D.813b volume 2.  six-session DVD study. Volume 2. Each session is taught by a different leader (Total running time of DVD is 95 minutes. Includes three participant’s guides.)
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PRESBYTERIAN WORLD MISSION Newsletter, May, 2020, control + click here.
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VIRTUAL MEETING. In light of this pandemic, we are reassessing our ability as a Presbytery to stay connected and informed when we cannot be together in person. In lieu of the June 9th Stated Meeting of Presbytery, we are inviting you to join in an informal gathering of our Presbytery in order to test the waters of virtual meetings on a Presbytery level. We would like to take this opportunity to catch-up, share ideas and concerns and to help us see how you are doing amidst this time of uncertainty and change. We are planning this virtual meeting via Zoom on Tuesday, June 9, 2020, from 10:00-11:00 am. What we need from you for this to be a success:
·        If you do not have internet access you will be able to call in, but we will need contact information to send the phone numbers to you.
·        Names and email or phone information of your standing commissioners so we can send them the Zoom invitation.
How it works:
·        After receiving your information, we will set the meeting up in Zoom and send you what is called an invitation to the meeting. It will have an easy access link for you to join the meeting.
Where to send your information:
·        Frank Lewis, Stated Clerk, at or by phone or text at 304-266-8154.
·        Kandy Dunn, Moderator, at or by phone 304-686-2344 or by text at 304-312-7187.
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.We received a thank you from Medical Benevolence Foundation for your gifts! Thank you!
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PRESBYTERIAN PEACE and Justice Newsletter, May, 2020, “Working for Compassion and Justice in the Pandemic,” control+click here.
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BEAVER CREEK CHURCH CAMP. Wait until next year! The Beaver Creek Church Camp Board voted unanimously to cancel the regular church camp schedule for 2020 due to the COVID19 pandemic. All the facilities of the camp will be closed to public use until the state of Ohio relaxes its social distancing requirements.
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LAUGHLIN MEMORIAL CHAPEL is looking for high school or adult volunteers for the summer program! Summer day camp begins on Monday, June 22, and runs through August 14. Our summer program has been changed to keep groups small to accommodate healthy practices in light of COVID-19. Each day is divided into two sessions: 9-noon for grades K-2 and noon - 3 for grades 3-5. Come lend a hand for crafting, recreation, reading, monitoring healthy habits, and more! We welcome volunteers for a day, a week, or more. For more information, call the Chapel at 304-232-2632 or email us at Join us!
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Happy Birthday:
June 9 Dave Roberts,
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HAPPENINGS CAN BE FOUND ON OUR WEBSITE UNDER ITEMS OF INTEREST. Each issue will be posted for three weeks.
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