Decolonizing the AME Church By John Thomas, III, Editor
 Relying on American and foreign-born bishops to lead Districts 14-20 not only stunts our growth but stifles our prophetic voice and makes us look like the European imperialists that have long since left their colonies behind. Furthermore, maintaining these areas as excuses to elect American placeholders to bide their time until a US slot becomes available is no longer tenable or practical. The African Methodist empire must end.
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The 36th Session of the MM Mokone Memorial Conference By Rev. MZ Manqele, 19th Episcopal District  “A MORE EXCELLENT WAY” The Mangena Maake Mokone (MMM) Conference welcomed Ronnie Elijah Brailsford Sr. and Supervisor Rev Carolyn Elizabeth Brailsford and experienced their leadership during the sitting of the Annual Conference. Bishop and Supervisor Brailsford led the annual conference in all its deliberations. The Annual conference enjoyed the leadership of our Bishop and Supervisor and the several learning opportunities that were presented. Read More Here |
Democrats could win in 2022; Here Is How By Quardricos Driskell, Columnist Democrats have a messaging problem. But, of course, they have always had a messaging problem. This hardly started with President Joe Biden, himself, a pathetic messenger. Imagine if Democrats used the Child Tax Credit alone - eligible families can receive up to $3,600 for each child under age six and up to $3,000 for each age 6 through 17 for 2021 - this puts money in parent’s pockets for their children and yet few Democrats communicate this feat. Likewise, messaging President Biden’s Build Back Better (BBB) package or the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, which will provide much-needed improvement to marginalized communities such as reasonable broadband access to ensure that Americans receive reliable high-speed internet, are keys to a potential win in 2022. Read More Here |
An AME Woman of Faith and Action: Dr. Jessica Henderson Daniel By Carole Copeland Thomas, 1st Episcopal District  I was excited to read a recent issue of The Christian Recorder announcing the election of Rev. Dr. Thema Bryant, the incoming President-Elect of The American Psychological Society (APA), one of the premier organizations in the United States. To read about her recent APA election reminded me of her mentor, a pioneering woman of faith who has blazed trails in the field of psychology for decades. The excitement grew, knowing that Dr. Jessica Henderson Daniel, Dr. Thema’s mentor was also a longtime member of the AME Church. Read More Here |
Could Affirming Bi-Vocational Ministry and Including Bi-Vocational Ministers Strengthen the Connectional Church? By Rev. Rentia Green, Contributing Writer 
During the pandemic slow-down in 2020, I began evaluating my life and my future. I found myself approaching twenty years in pastoral ministry, fifty circles around the sun, and had no financially sustainable plan for my future. It took me a minute to admit it, but ministry was my only concrete plan. Life had not unfolded as I had planned, and I had not adjusted.
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North Ohio Annual Conference Third Episcopal District” By Rev. Patricia DeLeon, Herstoriographer 
“Highlighting a Trailblazer” The mission of African Methodist Episcopal Church Women in Ministry states: “The mission of AMEWIM is to define, enhance, support and expand the presence of women in ministry in leadership in the AME Church.” To that end, the North Ohio Annual Conference of the Third Episcopal District of the African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church can claim many “firsts.” One of them is a celebrated leader, the Rev. Georgina Thornton.
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We Fought Once, Will We Fight Again?: Attempting to Contextualize AME Resistance By Rev. Aaron M. Treadwell, PhD., Contributing Writer 
Historian Rayford Logan coined the Nadir Era of Race relations (1877-1901) as a “low point” in American racial violence. This violence was the by-product of emancipating four-million Africans in a nation that constitutionally thwarted their equality for economic gain. Add on 618,222 men dying in a Civil War fought over the aforementioned suppression, and simple logic will explain how the Lost Cause ideology of the south justified terrorizing black bodies. Within this era, historians like Tolnay and Beck have estimated over 3,000 black people being lynched, whereas the Equal Justice Initiative has increased the sample size and reports over 4,440 lynchings - between 1877 and 1950. Both numbers symbolize a political statement by white supremacy to ignore the newly minted Amendments to the Constitution of the United States (13th, 14th, and 15th) and a belief that terror could break the spirits of black people.
Scoutmaster Troop 262 Story of Edward M. Brown III
 Edward M. Brown, III is a member of Historic St. Paul African Methodist Episcopal Church located at 639 E. Long St., Columbus, Ohio 43215 and a Boy Scout Troop (BSA) 262 chartered by St. Paul AME Church—this is his story. On any given Saturday, you can find Troop 262 in the basement of St. Paul AME Church in Columbus, Ohio, where you will hear the noise and clatter of BSA Troop 262 led by their Scout Master James Bell. You will also find Edward (Eddie) M Brown, III. Read More Here
The Scandal of the Persistent ‘color line’ in American Christianity By Robert P. Jones
 In addition to Halloween yesterday, many in the Protestant Christian world celebrated Reformation Day, commemorating when Martin Luther posted his “95 Theses” on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg, Germany, Oct. 31, 1517. This is commonly understood as the precipitating event that led to the birth of Protestantism, the break from the Roman Catholic Church, which has produced, in the American context alone, about 200 denominations. With Luther as a model in Christian circles, these schisms mostly are explained in theological terms. But I’ve been thinking back to a different understanding of denominationalism that casts important light on the racial reckoning we again are facing in this country, as well as the complicity of white Christian churches that paved the way. Read More Here |
The 32nd Annual NGO Conference - Virtual Shawn M. Ross, WMS-AMEC NGO Commissioner and UN Representative |
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